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Handle to window handle





I've tried using the "grab all of the process IDs enumerated by the desktop" method, however that doesn't work.

  • Is there a way to convert a handle to a window handle? -or-
  • Is there a way to take a process ID and find out all of the child windows spawned by the process?

I don't want to use FindWindow due to multiple process issues.

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Saustin Avatar asked Nov 20 '10 11:11


People also ask

What is handle to a window?

Hi Fardeen, a Window Handle is a unique identifier that holds the address of all the windows. This is basically a pointer to a window, which returns the string value. This window handle function helps in getting the handles of all the windows. It is guaranteed that each browser will have a unique window handle.

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To change the window handle is a relatively quick and easy job – but only if you are replacing the window handle with the same style. It's essential to check that the new replacement window handle will fit into the holes on the uPVC window and that the spindle is the same size.

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The most common sizes of the spindle are 15mm, 20mm, 30mm & 40mm. The distance between the screws is 43mm standard.

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A window handle stores the unique address of the browser windows. It is just a pointer to a window whose return type is alphanumeric. The window handle in Selenium helps in handling multiple windows and child windows. Each browser window has a unique window handle value through which it can be identified.

1 Answers

You could call EnumWindows() to iterate over all the top-level windows on the screen, then use GetWindowThreadProcessId() to find out which ones belong to your process.

For example, something like:

BOOL CALLBACK ForEachTopLevelWindow(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lp)
    DWORD processId;
    GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &processId);
    if (processId == (DWORD) lp) {
        // `hwnd` belongs to the target process.
    return TRUE;

VOID LookupProcessWindows(DWORD processId)
    EnumWindows(ForEachTopLevelWindow, (LPARAM) processId);
like image 97
Frédéric Hamidi Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 14:09

Frédéric Hamidi