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Handle Pagination Sorting and Filtering Separately in Antd Table React

I want to handle server-side sorting, filtering, and pagination separately in my antd table. So whenever pagination is changed it should not call the sorting and filtering function. similarly for both for sorting and filtering. In the antd documentation for Table, they have used onChange prop which will be called whenever sorting, filtering or pagination is changed. https://ant.design/components/table/#components-table-demo-ajax

To handle pagination alone I've used Pagination's onChange prop. But here when pagination is changed it's calling sorting and filtering function and also when sorting and filtering is changed it calls the pagination function.

I'm not sure how to achieve this functionality. Can anyone please help me with this.

Example antd code for the table

const handlePagination = page => {
    //This should be called only when pagination changes

const handleSortFilter= params=> {
    //This should be called only when pagination or sorting is called.

    rowKey={record => record.id}
        onChange: handlePagination,
        pageSize: dataPerPage,
        total: CountData

Update In the the antd table documentation for ajax requests (https://ant.design/components/table/#components-table-demo-ajax) I could see that whenever we change sort or filter it changes the page back to 1. Is there anything I need to change in the code so that whenever filter or sorting is changed it should not set the page parameter to 1.

Why I need to perform this is because when the user changes the filter or sorting in a specific page it should not take him back to the first page instead if I get in which page (page number) the user tried to filter or sort, so that I can send the page number in the request and filter/sort accordingly to the page in the backend and send the response back. Is there any option not to set the page back to 1 if sorting or filtering is applied on the antd table.

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Aashay Amballi Avatar asked Oct 05 '19 14:10

Aashay Amballi

People also ask

How do I sort in ANTD table?

Simply define a new sorting routine in utils/sorter. js , add it to the Sorter “enum,” and use it in your sorter prop for any column that needs it. You can check out the CodeSandbox for this tutorial to play around with the result.

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Change pageSize . Jump to a page directly. import type { PaginationProps } from 'antd'; import { Pagination } from 'antd'; import React from 'react'; const onChange: PaginationProps['onChange'] = pageNumber => { console. log('Page: ', pageNumber); }; const App: React.

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You can make use of the responsive property on the column that you want to control for screen sizes. Just add a From To column with a custom render function, and set the responsive property on that column to only show on xs screens. The From and To columns will have the responsive property set to show on md and above.

1 Answers

For manage filters, sort and pagination in backend you need to use api parameter of table onChange:

       total: totalCount // total count returned from backend

Our handleChange:

const handleChange = (pagination, filters, sorter) => {
  const offset = pagination.current * pagination.pageSize - pagination.pageSize;
  const limit = pagination.pageSize;
  const params = {};

  if (sorter.hasOwnProperty("column")) {
    params.order = { field: sorter.field, dir: sorter.order };

  getData(offset, limit, params);

Getting data from API:

const getData = (offset, limit, params = false) => {

  const queryParams = new URLSearchParams();

  queryParams.append("offset", offset);
  queryParams.append("limit", limit);
  queryParams.append("offset", offset);

  if(params && params.order) {
    queryParams.append("order", JSON.stringify(params.order));

  // In this example I use axios to fetch
    .then((response) => {
      // get response
      console.log("Response: ", response);
    .catch((err) => {
      // Handle error

You already decide how fetch data, or if you have possibility to implement backend logic, implement query with params from GET.

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Fiodorov Andrei Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 07:10

Fiodorov Andrei