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GZIP in .net core not working

I'm attempting to add Gzip middleware to my ASP.net core app.

I have added the following package :

"Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCompression": "1.0.0"

In my startup.cs for the Configure Services method I have the following :

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {     services.Configure<GzipCompressionProviderOptions>(options => options.Level = CompressionLevel.Fastest);     services.AddResponseCompression(options =>     {         options.Providers.Add<GzipCompressionProvider>();     });      services.AddMvc(); } 

In my Configure method I have the following :

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) {     loggerFactory.AddConsole(Configuration.GetSection("Logging"));     loggerFactory.AddDebug();      app.UseResponseCompression();     app.UseMvc(); } 

However when I try and load a page, it doesn't come through as Gzip compressed. I have used both a string response and outputting a view. The response headers in chrome look like :

enter image description here

I am on a windows machine developing in visual studio. When running the app I have tried just running from Visual Studio (Via F5), and also using the "dotnet run" command from command line. Neither output GZip compression.

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MindingData Avatar asked Jan 19 '17 01:01


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Add a Home Controller with Index action and write some data to the View. Notice the size and time of response before and after compression. When you're unable to use the compression features of web servers (IIS, Apache, Nginx), ASP.NET Core provides an alternate option, Response Compression middleware.

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1 Answers

To Enable GZIP in .net core 2.*
1. Install Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCompression with Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.ResponseCompression command or nuget package manager.
2. Add the following code into Startup.cs

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) {    app.UseResponseCompression();   app.UseMvc();  }  public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {    // Configure Compression level   services.Configure<GzipCompressionProviderOptions>(options => options.Level = CompressionLevel.Fastest);    // Add Response compression services   services.AddResponseCompression(options =>   {       options.Providers.Add<GzipCompressionProvider>();       options.EnableForHttps = true;   });  } 
like image 181
Mohammad Dayyan Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Mohammad Dayyan