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GWT load testing with jmeter

I have a GWT application and wanna to test load and functionality using a tool like jmeter. I am not sure jmeter is right tool for GWT. Can anybody direct me to proper tool or can tell me how to do it with jmeter?

I want to test login functionality: I have two text box 'User name' and 'Password' on login screen and want to test how many users can log in simultaneously, how much time a round trip to server it takes. Don't know how jmeter can get 'user name' and 'password' and can submit it to validate against DB for GWT application?

Thanks in advance.

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jaxb Avatar asked May 10 '10 14:05


2 Answers

I guess it depends what exactly you want to test. If you want to test the client-side code as well, something like Selenium might be better.

If you just want to test the back-end, though, you could have JMeter send it HTTP requests via HttpClient or something similar. You can determine what needs to go in the request using a debugging proxy such as Fiddler.

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pdbartlett Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11


Testing GWT with load testing solutions based on HTTP forms like JMeter or Selenium can be quite hard because of evolving user interfaces.

On our project we took another approach.

Using the gwtrpccommlayer project, we call directly RPC servlets from JUnit.


It means we can re-use our server side facades API in our load testing scripts, an maintain these scripts as server-side code evolve.

Therefore in JUnit we can launch multiple threads to simulate several users using the application and collect statistics.

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Frederic Conrotte Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 22:11

Frederic Conrotte