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GWT Interview Questions [closed]



Can anyone suggest me some nice questions which could be asked for a GWT Developer? I am looking for a GWT developer and I am not sure what questions can be asked.

I am planning to ask questions on GWT-RPC, GWT Widgets, etc., but I am not sure what exactlty I need to ask.

like image 822
krishna Avatar asked Oct 18 '10 20:10


1 Answers

Some GWT-specific interview questions off the top of my head:

  • What are some advantages for the Model-View-Presenter pattern?
  • How can you test a GWT application?
  • Describe what a GWT generator does
  • What are some benefits of using CssResource, ImageResource, TextResource, etc.
like image 163
Jason Hall Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 00:09

Jason Hall