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GWT Does Not Load *.nocache.js

I have this Maven project built with the gwt-maven-archetype. While it runs perfectly with the mvn gwt:run goal, however when i try to run it in the tomcat7 container either mvn tomcat:run or mvn gwt:compile && mvn tomcat:run it does not load the GWT Dynamically created widgets.

According to the Google Chrome console it cannot find the *.nocache.js file even though in the /target/ folder it is exactly where it is expected to be.

I am currently trying to display a simple "Hello" Label in the Entry Point Module :

GWT Entry Point

public class Hello implements EntryPoint {

    public void onModuleLoad() {    
        Label hello = new Label("TESTESTSTSTS");





    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="veltisto.css">
    <title>Web Application Starter Project</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="veltisto/veltisto.nocache.js"></script>
    <iframe src="javascript:''" id="__gwt_historyFrame" tabIndex='-1' style="position:absolute;width:0;height:0;border:0"></iframe>
      <div style="width: 22em; position: absolute; left: 50%; margin-left: -11em; color: red; background-color: white; border: 1px solid red; padding: 4px; font-family: sans-serif">
        Your web browser must have JavaScript enabled
        in order for this application to display correctly.
    <div id="helloContainer"></div>


<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">

    <!-- POM file generated with GWT webAppCreator -->
    <name>GWT Maven Archetype</name>

        <!-- Convenience property to set the GWT version -->
        <!-- GWT needs at least java 1.5 -->


        <!-- Generate compiled stuff in the folder used for developing mode -->


            <!-- Copy static web files before executing gwt:run -->

            <!-- GWT Maven Plugin -->
                <!-- Plugin configuration. There are many available options, 
                   see gwt-maven-plugin documentation at codehaus.org -->



<module rename-to='veltisto'>
    <!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff. -->
    <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.User' />
    <inherits name="com.google.gwt.uibinder.UiBinder" />
    <!-- We need the JUnit module in the main module, -->
    <!-- otherwise eclipse complains (Google plugin bug?) -->
    <inherits name='com.google.gwt.junit.JUnit' />

    <!-- Inherit the default GWT style sheet. You can change -->
    <!-- the theme of your GWT application by uncommenting -->
    <!-- any one of the following lines. -->
    <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.standard.Standard' />
    <!-- <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.chrome.Chrome'/> -->
    <!-- <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.dark.Dark'/> -->

    <!-- Other module inherits -->

    <inherits name="com.google.gwt.uibinder.UiBinder" />
    <inherits name="com.github.gwtbootstrap.Bootstrap" />

    <!-- Specify the app entry point class. -->
    <entry-point class='gr.veltisto.web.client.Hello' />

    <!-- Specify the paths for translatable code -->
    <source path='client' />
    <source path='shared' />

like image 892
Spyros Mandekis Avatar asked Sep 30 '12 23:09

Spyros Mandekis

2 Answers

tomcat7:run only uses the src/main/webapp. You'll want to use tomcat7:run-war (which will do a package) or tomcat7:run-war-only (if you already have a war:exploded structure).

like image 144
Thomas Broyer Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 22:11

Thomas Broyer

Using firebug or chrome's inspector, do you see that the .nocache.js and .cache.html file loaded correctly? Or is there an error like a 404? If there is a 404, look in the path specified by the error in your war directory - is the file there?

If the .nocache.js file is missing or in the wrong place, it likely means that the path from the *.html page you listed to the compiled JS is wrong.

If the .cache.html file is missing, it often means that the gwt:compile was skipped, or that gwt:run or gwt:debug was running during or after the compile. Do not do gwt:compile followed by gwt:run or :debug:, as these latter two will remove the compiled files.

One final thought: The tomcat:run phase might be trying to grab a completed .war file, and your war:exploded will not create one. Additionally, when you run gwt:compile, this may not cause a completed compiled war directory to be build. To deal with all of these, consider getting your build working to produce a war file first, and then try to make tomcat:run behave. The first step here would be to map gwt:compile to the prepare-package phase, then make sure that the finished war contains the .nocache.js and .cache.html files as expected.

like image 32
Colin Alworth Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 22:11

Colin Alworth