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gVim and multiple programming languages


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Does Vim support all languages?

The latest edition of the widely used Vim text editor now supports both the Lua programming language as well as the latest versions of Python and Perl. Bram Moolenaar, the developer behind Vim, has released version 7.3 of the editor, two years after version 7.2 was released.

What languages are supported by Vim?

Almost all extensions (called plugins or more commonly scripts) of the core Vim functionality are written in Vim script, but plugins can also utilize other languages like Perl, Python, Lua, Ruby, Tcl, or Racket. These plugins can be installed manually, or through a plugin manager such as Vundle, Pathogen, or Vim-Plug.

Which programming language is best for graphics?

The two best programming languages for graphic designers of games to learn are again C++ and Java, although other languages are also popular (such as C# for Unity). Another type of programming you may hear referred to is Scripting, but that essentially comes down to a type of systems programming.

My day job involves coding with Perl. At home I play around with Python and Erlang. For Perl I want to indent my code with two spaces. Whereas for Python the standard is 4. Also I have some key bindings to open function declarations which I would like to use with all programming languages. How can this be achieved in gVim?

As in, is there a way to maintain a configuration file for each programming language or something of that sort?