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GUI Framework/Lib for C++ under Windows [closed]

I was wondering is there an Microsoft alternative to MFC, except WinForms in GUI programming for Windows operating system ?

I dont want to use thirdparty (Borland/Qt/wxWindows) libraries. WinForms require .NET which is major problem (can't install .NET in destination machines) and MFC is traumatic to me...

Any alternative which would be close to Qt but Microsoft branded ?

I would appreciate any suggestions!

like image 976
CombineSlave Avatar asked Feb 10 '10 14:02


1 Answers

I too suggest WTL. Here is a list with some useful WTL links:

  • MSDN's ATL 3.0 Window Classes: An Introduction - for the basics.
  • WTL Articles by Chris Sells, Dharma Shukla, and Nenad Stefanovic part1 and part2. Nenad Stefanovic is the father of WTL.
  • Bjarke Viksoe's WTL projects. Bjarne has summed many of his small projects into a whole application, an IDE - BVRDE.
  • Code Project's WTL page. Watch out especially the articles written by Michael Dunn. VMware Workstation uses WTL and Michael Dunn works for VMware.
  • Clipcode's WTL Developer’s Guide (doc, pdf, source code).

WTL opensource applications, which one can study to see various implementation tricks:

  • Google's Chromium, source code here. The windows version uses WTL. I don't know if somebody has tried to extract the WTL framework from Chromium.
  • Programmer's Notepad uses WTL, source code here.
  • InfraRecorder uses WTL, source code here.
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Cristian Adam Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 14:10

Cristian Adam