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GTM - pushing events/data to gtm dataLayer not sending anything to https://www.google-analytics.com/r/collect?v

I have added this gtm code in my chrome extension page(injected by the content script in and iframe)

// <!-- Google Tag Manager -->
new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],
// <!-- End Google Tag Manager -->

I confimred the gtm.js file loaded successfully.

Request URL:https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id=GTM-XXXXXX&l=dataLayer
Request Method:GET
Status Code:200  (from disk cache)

I have a button and below code has been attached to the click event of the button

    'event': 'tab click',
    'user id' : 123,
    'description' : "Social"

When I click the button dataLayer.push worked with success but nothing is being sent to https://www.google-analytics.com/r/collect? no activities in the "Network" tab of developer toolbar window.

Can anybody help me resolving this? Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Adding screenshot of the tag setup. enter image description here

like image 812
elegant-user Avatar asked Aug 04 '17 09:08


People also ask

Why is my GTM not working?

If your website has a Content Security Policy, it might block GTM's preview mode. You can identify this by going to your browser's developer console (On Windows, Chrome, you should go to Browser's Menu > More Tools > Developer Tools > Console. Then refresh the page.

How do I use dataLayer push?

After the dataLayer has been declared, use dataLayer. push({'item': 'value'}) to add additional values to it, and if those values need to be available to Tag Manager when the page loads, then that dataLayer. push() call needs to be above the Tag Manager container code as well.

Why are my GTM tags not firing?

Incorrect trigger. The first thing you should check in order to find out why your tag did not fire in GTM is firing triggers. If you are in a situation where tag did not fire, do the following. Choose an event in the Preview and Debug console's event stream (left side) and click the tag that behaved unexpectedly.

1 Answers

I have spent a lot of time this weekend on reading gtm and Google chrome extension. Finally I got this blog post by Simo Ahava. He discussing the exact same problem with solution. Thanks to Simo.

Here is partial paste of his blog post. We must add checkProtocolTask : false to each gtm tag in order to send track them from Google Chrome Extension.

Add checkProtocolTask : false to Fields to Set

Scroll down to Fields to Set, and add a new field:

Field Name: checkProtocolTask
Value: false

Normally, Google Analytics requires that the request to GA originate from either HTTP or HTTPS. If the requests originate from anywhere else, the process is cancelled. By setting the task named checkProtocolTask to false, we can prevent this check from happening, since the extension uses the custom chrome-extension:// protocol.


enter image description here

Posting this so others an find this answers helpful if they face same issues. Thanks!

like image 133
elegant-user Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09
