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Gtk# and treeview: how to get "selected" item?




i can't understand in GTK# how to get the selected item of a treeview. My code example: Here, i load data in tvStock

        Gtk.TreeViewColumn marketCol = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn ();
            marketCol.Title = "Market";


            Gtk.TreeIter iter = stockListStore.AppendValues ("Dax30");      

            stockListStore.AppendValues(iter, "Adidas");
            stockListStore.AppendValues(iter, "Commerzbank");

            iter = stockListStore.AppendValues ("Cac40");       
            stockListStore.AppendValues(iter, "Bnp Paribas");
            stockListStore.AppendValues(iter, "Veolia");

            iter = stockListStore.AppendValues ("FtseMib");     
            stockListStore.AppendValues(iter, "Fiat");
            stockListStore.AppendValues(iter, "Unicredit");

            tvstock.Model = stockListStore;

            // Create the text cell that will display the artist name
            Gtk.CellRendererText marketNameCell = new Gtk.CellRendererText ();
            // Add the cell to the column
            marketCol.PackStart (marketNameCell, true);     

            // Tell the Cell Renderers which items in the model to display
            marketCol.AddAttribute (marketNameCell, "text", 0);         

On my OnTvstockRowActivated , how can i get the selected row ? Thanks

like image 456
stighy Avatar asked Nov 18 '10 17:11


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GTK is commonly and incorrectly thought to stand for "GNOME ToolKit", but is actually stands for "GIMP ToolKit" because it was first created to design an user interface for GIMP. GTK is an object-oriented toolkit written in C (GTK itself is not a language). GTK is entirely open-source under the LGPL license.

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1 Answers

You have the path to the row in args, you can gen an iter from it.

protected virtual void OnTvstockRowActivated (object o, Gtk.RowActivatedArgs args)
    var model = tvstock.Model;
    TreeIter iter;
    model.GetIter (out iter, args.Path);
    var value = model.GetValue (iter, 0);
    Console.WriteLine (value);
like image 133
silk Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10
