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gstreamer python bindings for windows


People also ask

How do I start GStreamer pipeline in Python?

The `gst-launch-0.10` command can be used to run GStreamer pipelines. You just pass the command the elements you want to play one by one, and each element is linked with the `!` symbol. You can think of the `!` as the `|` in a normal command-line list of commands.

I am looking into gstreamer as a means to choose a video device from a list to feed it to an opencv script.

I absolutely do not understand how to use gstreamer with python in windows. I installed the Windows gstreamer 1.07 binaries from the gstreamer official website. However, I could not import the pygst and gst modules in python.

>>> import pygst

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
import pygst
ImportError: No module named pygst

I checked the gstreamer installation, and there seems to be no pygst.py provided. There is however a file named gst-env that contains paths for environnement variables (that were not added to the system variables on installation. I checked.

Other questions on the same problem here and here, for example, do all use the winbuild versions of gstreamer. Why is that so?

I am totally lost on this one.


Ok, I managed it using the SDK for Gstreamer 0.10 (in which there is a pygst.py), but is there not a way to use the Gstreamer 1.0 series, since 0.10 is "end-of-life"?