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grunt watch & connect


I am kinda new to grunt and want to use it with Jekyll and some LESS-compiling.

My problem now is, I already have fully functioning LESS-comipiling with live reload and watch task and can build my jekyll site through grunt, but how do I run something like the jekyll serve or grunt-connect and grunt watch simultaneously? I want a grunt task that provides the watching of my LESS-files etc, builds the jekyll site and then runs a small web server with grunt-connect or whatever.

My Gruntfile.js so far:

'use strict'; module.exports = function (grunt) {      grunt.initConfig({         jshint: {             options: {                 jshintrc: '.jshintrc'             },             all: [                 'Gruntfile.js',                 'js/*.js',                 '!js/scripts.min.js'             ]         },         less: {             dist: {                 files: {                     'css/styles.min.css': [                         'less/app.less'                     ]                 },                 options: {                     compress: true,                     // LESS source map                     // To enable, set sourceMap to true and update sourceMapRootpath based on your install                     sourceMap: false,                     sourceMapFilename: 'css/styles.min.css.map',                     sourceMapRootpath: '/'                 }             },             dev: {                 files: {                     'css/styles.min.css': [                         'less/app.less'                     ]                 },                 options: {                     compress: false,                     // LESS source map                     // To enable, set sourceMap to true and update sourceMapRootpath based on your install                     sourceMap: true,                     sourceMapFilename: 'css/styles.min.css.map',                     sourceMapRootpath: '/'                 }             }         },         uglify: {             dist: {                 files: {                     'js/scripts.min.js': [                         'vendor/bootstrap/js/transition.js',                         'vendor/bootstrap/js/alert.js',                         'vendor/bootstrap/js/button.js',                         'vendor/bootstrap/js/carousel.js',                         'vendor/bootstrap/js/collapse.js',                         'vendor/bootstrap/js/dropdown.js',                         'vendor/bootstrap/js/modal.js',                         'vendor/bootstrap/js/tooltip.js',                         'vendor/bootstrap/js/popover.js',                         'vendor/bootstrap/js/scrollspy.js',                         'vendor/bootstrap/js/tab.js',                         'vendor/bootstrap/js/affix.js',                         'vendor/*.js',                         'js/_*.js'                     ]                 },                 options: {                     // JS source map: to enable, uncomment the lines below and update sourceMappingURL based on your install                     // sourceMap: 'assets/js/scripts.min.js.map',                     // sourceMappingURL: '/app/themes/roots/assets/js/scripts.min.js.map'                 }             }         },         watch: {             less: {                 files: [                     'less/*.less',                     'less/bootstrap/*.less'                 ],                 tasks: ['less:dev']             },             js: {                 files: [                     '<%= jshint.all %>'                 ],                 tasks: ['jshint', 'uglify']             },             livereload: {                 // Browser live reloading                 // https://github.com/gruntjs/grunt-contrib-watch#live-reloading                 options: {                     livereload: true                 },                 files: [                     '_site/*'                 ]             }         },         clean: {             dist: [                 'css/styles.min.css',                 'css/styles.min.css.map',                 'js/scripts.min.js',                 '_site/*'             ]         },         jekyll: {                             // Task             options: {                          // Universal options                 bundleExec: true,                 src : '<%= app %>'             },             dist: {                             // Target                 options: {                        // Target options                     dest: '<%= dist %>',                     config: '_config.yml'                 }             },             serve: {                            // Another target                 options: {                     serve: true,                     drafts: true                 }             }         },         connect: {             server: {                 options: {                     keepalive: true                 }             }         }     });      // Load tasks     grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean');     grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint');     grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify');     grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch');     grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-less');     grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-jekyll');     grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-connect');      // Register tasks     grunt.registerTask('default', [         'clean',         'less:dist',         'uglify',         'jekyll:dist'     ]);     grunt.registerTask('dev', [         'watch'     ]);  }; 
like image 435
Kageetai Avatar asked Feb 17 '14 18:02


People also ask

What is Grunt command?

Grunt is a command line Javascript task runner utilizing Node. js platform. It runs custom defined repetitious tasks and manages process automation. The project's homepage lists many big players in software development that use Grunt in their development as part of continuous integration workflow.

What are the examples of tasks in Grunt?

Tasks are grunt's bread and butter. The stuff you do most often, like jshint or nodeunit . Every time Grunt is run, you specify one or more tasks to run, which tells Grunt what you'd like it to do. If you don't specify a task, but a task named "default" has been defined, that task will run (unsurprisingly) by default.

1 Answers

You need to tell connect what directory to serve up in the configuration using the "base" option, in this case it would be the static _site directory. You can also change the port to whatever you want, but you end up navigating to localhost:9009 with my example

connect: {   server: {     options: {       livereload: true,       base: '_site/',       port: 9009     }   } } 

You will also want to add a watch task for when you change your html templates. Something like this would work.

watch: {   html: {     files: ['**/*.html', '!_site/**/*.html'],     tasks: ['jekyll:dist']   } } 

Then create a "serve" task like Wallace suggested.

// Start web server grunt.registerTask('serve', [ 'jekyll:dist', 'connect:server', 'watch' ]); 

Lastly run "grunt serve" in the command line and navigate to localhost with the port you specified.

As commented by @jiggy

The key change is to not set keepalive to true. Keepalive will block all subsequent tasks from running. So long as connect is followed by watch the server won't terminate.

like image 150
bribou Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09
