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grunt error: cannot find module 'load-grunt-tasks'

When I am using grunt command it is showing me following error:

$ grunt Loading "Gruntfile.js" tasks...ERROR >> Error: Cannot find module 'load-grunt-tasks' Warning: Task "default" not found. Use --force to continue.  Aborted due to warnings.   Execution Time (2015-02-07 18:05:42 UTC) loading tasks  339ms  ███████████████████████████████████████████████ 99% Total 344ms 

I already tried - npm install, npm update commands. It would be great if someone can help me with this. Thanks!

Addding Content of Gruntfile.js

'use strict';  var paths = {   js: ['*.js', 'test/**/*.js', '!test/coverage/**', '!bower_components/**', 'packages/**/*.js', '!packages/**/node_modules/**', '!packages/contrib/**/*.js', '!packages/contrib/**/node_modules/**'],   html: ['packages/**/public/**/views/**', 'packages/**/server/views/**'],   css: ['!bower_components/**', 'packages/**/public/**/css/*.css', '!packages/contrib/**/public/**/css/*.css'] };  module.exports = function(grunt) {    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {     require('time-grunt')(grunt);   }    // Project Configuration   grunt.initConfig({     pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),     assets: grunt.file.readJSON('config/assets.json'),     clean: ['bower_components/build'],     watch: {       js: {         files: paths.js,         tasks: ['jshint'],         options: {           livereload: true         }       },       html: {         files: paths.html,         options: {           livereload: true,           interval: 500         }       },       css: {         files: paths.css,         tasks: ['csslint'],         options: {           livereload: true         }       }     },     jshint: {       all: {         src: paths.js,         options: {           jshintrc: true         }       }     },     uglify: {       core: {         options: {           mangle: false         },         files: '<%= assets.core.js %>'       }     },     csslint: {       options: {         csslintrc: '.csslintrc'       },       src: paths.css     },     cssmin: {       core: {         files: '<%= assets.core.css %>'       }     },     nodemon: {       dev: {         script: 'server.js',         options: {           args: [],           ignore: ['node_modules/**'],           ext: 'js,html',           nodeArgs: ['--debug'],           delayTime: 1,           cwd: __dirname         }       }     },     concurrent: {       tasks: ['nodemon', 'watch'],       options: {         logConcurrentOutput: true       }     },     mochaTest: {       options: {         reporter: 'spec',         require: [           'server.js',           function() {             require('meanio/lib/core_modules/module/util').preload(__dirname + '/packages/**/server', 'model');           }         ]       },       src: ['packages/**/server/tests/**/*.js']     },     env: {       test: {         NODE_ENV: 'test'       }     },     karma: {       unit: {         configFile: 'karma.conf.js'       }     }   });    //Load NPM tasks   require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt);    /**    * Default Task    */   grunt.hook.push('clean', -9999);   grunt.hook.push('concurrent', 9999);   if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {     grunt.hook.push('cssmin', 100);     grunt.hook.push('uglify', 200);   } else {     grunt.hook.push('jshint', -200);     grunt.hook.push('csslint', 100);   }    //Default task.   grunt.registerTask('default', ['hook']);    //Test task.   grunt.registerTask('test', ['env:test', 'mochaTest', 'karma:unit']);    // For Heroku users only.   // Docs: https://github.com/linnovate/mean/wiki/Deploying-on-Heroku   grunt.registerTask('heroku:production', ['cssmin', 'uglify']); }; 
like image 260
silent_programmer Avatar asked Feb 07 '15 18:02


People also ask

What is grunt in node JS?

Grunt is a generic task-runner for Node. js projects with a huge library of plugins (grunt-contrib-*). By automating tasks, you can streamline processes for your project (and reduce human error on your team).

What is grunt file used for?

Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, a tool used to automatically perform frequent tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting. It uses a command-line interface to run custom tasks defined in a file (known as a Gruntfile). Grunt was created by Ben Alman and is written in Node.

2 Answers

Try running:

$ npm install 

After that, if you run it and the error still persists or if there's another one, then you probably have not installed ruby, compass or both :)

like image 108
Roland Hudák Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09

Roland Hudák

I had the same issue, the problem for me was in my package.json where I didn't actually install the NPM package needed and it was not automatically installed as previously thought. Try doing

npm install --save-dev load-grunt-tasks 

If that doesn't work can you provide the package.json file as well so we can get a little more information.

like image 35
David J. Davis Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09

David J. Davis