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Grouping while preserving ordering in Linq

I've got an IQueryable(Of Job) where Job has, amongst other things:

Property CreatedOn as DateTime
Property JobType as JobTypes

Enum JobTypes
End Enum

What I want to get out of it is a list, ordered by CreatedOn, then Grouped by JobType with a count

Eg Say i've got (abbreviated dates)

11:00  JobType1
11:01  JobType2
11:02  JobType2
11:03  JobType2
11:04  JobType2
11:05  JobType3
11:06  JobType1
11:07  JobType1

I want

JobType1 1
JobType2 4
JobType3 1
JobType1 2

I don't know how to take ordering into account when grouping. can someone point me at the right way to do this? By preference, I'd prefer fluent Syntax. VB.Net or C# is fine.

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Basic Avatar asked Jul 03 '12 11:07


3 Answers

This trick is fairly easy to train LinqToObjects to do:

public static IEnumerable<IGrouping<TKey, TSource>> GroupContiguous<TKey, TSource>(
  this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
  Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector)
  bool firstIteration = true;
  MyCustomGroupImplementation<TKey, TSource> currentGroup = null;

  foreach (TSource item in source)
    TKey key = keySelector(item);
    if (firstIteration)
      currentGroup = new MyCustomGroupImplementation<TKey, TSource>();
      currentGroup.Key = key;
      firstIteration = false;
    else if (!key.Equals(currentGroup.Key))
      yield return currentGroup;
      currentGroup = new MyCustomGroupImplementation<TKey, TSource>();
      currentGroup.Key = key;
  if (currentGroup != null)
    yield return currentGroup;

public class MyCustomGroupImplementation<TKey, TSource> : IGrouping<TKey, TSource>
  //TODO implement IGrouping and Add

Used by

IEnumerable<IGrouping<JobType, Job> query = Jobs
  .OrderBy(j => j.CreatedOn)
  .GroupContiguous(j => j.JobType);

It's not so easy to do a "look at the previous row" with just any old linq provider. I hope you don't have to teach LinqToSql or LinqToEntities how to do this.

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Amy B Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 22:09

Amy B

Here's a reasonable approach that uses the Aggregrate method.

If you start with a list of JobTypes like this:

var jobTypes = new []

You can use Aggregate by first defining the accumulator like so:

var accumulator = new List<KeyValuePair<JobTypes, int>>()
    new KeyValuePair<JobTypes, int>(jobTypes.First(), 0),

Then the Aggregate method call looks like this:

var results = jobTypes.Aggregate(accumulator, (a, x) =>
    if (a.Last().Key == x)
        a[a.Count - 1] =
            new KeyValuePair<JobTypes, int>(x, a.Last().Value + 1);
        a.Add(new KeyValuePair<JobTypes, int>(x, 1));
    return a;

And finally calling this give you this result:

Job Types Results

Simple, sort of...

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Enigmativity Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 00:09


This updated version uses a subroutine to do the same thing as before, but doesn't need the extra internal field. (I have kept my earlier version, which, to avoid using a Zip routine, needed the extra OrDer field.)

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer On
Imports so11310237.JobTypes
Module so11310237
 Enum JobTypes
 End Enum
Sub Main()
 Dim data = {New With{.CO=#11:00#, .JT=JobType1, .OD=0},
  New With{.CO=#11:03#, .JT=JobType2, .OD=0},
  New With{.CO=#11:05#, .JT=JobType3, .OD=0},
  New With{.CO=#11:02#, .JT=JobType2, .OD=0},
  New With{.CO=#11:06#, .JT=JobType1, .OD=0},
  New With{.CO=#11:01#, .JT=JobType2, .OD=0},
  New With{.CO=#11:04#, .JT=JobType2, .OD=0},
  New With{.CO=#11:07#, .JT=JobType1, .OD=0}}

 ' Check that there's any data to process
 If Not data.Any Then Exit Sub

 ' Both versions include a normal ordering first.
 Dim odata = From q In data Order By q.CO

 ' First version here (and variables reused below):

 Dim ljt = odata.First.JT

 Dim c = 0
 For Each o In odata
  If ljt <> o.JT Then
   ljt = o.JT
   c += 1
  End If
  o.OD = c

 For Each p In From q In data Group By r=q.JT, d=q.OD Into Count()


 ' New version from here:

 ' Reset variables (still needed :-()
 ljt = odata.First.JT
 c = 0 
 For Each p In From q In odata Group By r=q.JT, d=IncIfNotEqual(c,q.JT,ljt) Into Count()

End Sub

Function IncIfNotEqual(Of T)(ByRef c As Integer, ByVal Value As T, ByRef Cmp As T) As Integer
 If Not Object.Equals(Value, Cmp) Then
  Cmp = Value
  c += 1
 End If
 Return c 
End Function

End Module
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Mark Hurd Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 00:09

Mark Hurd