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group typescript files into more than one outFile



Is it possible to group typescript files into more than one outFile? I still want to bundle my Typescript, but not into a single JS file, I'd like to group my TS is to several JS files e.g. controllers.js, plugins.js. The TypeScript project options seems to only provide one outfile option.

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MarzSocks Avatar asked Jul 07 '16 04:07


People also ask

Is it possible to combine multiple .TS files into a single .JS file?

Can we combine multiple . ts files into a single . js file? Yes, we can combine multiple files.

How do I compile multiple TypeScript files into one file?

Explanation: tsc: It stands for TypeScript compiler which is used to invoke the compiler in order to compile the TypeScript files. –out: It is a CLI (Command Line Interface) command which concatenates the TypeScript files and emits the output to a single JS file. outputFile.

How do you combine TS files and output as common JS?

Click on the TypeScript Build tab. Select Combine JavaScript output into file: and type in a name to use for your combined file in the input field right next to the option. Remember you can use variables in this field. For example: "$(ProjectDir)dist\js\myCombinedFile.

2 Answers

Unfortunately, this is no default TypeScript compiler behavior. I faced this problem myself when I tried to modularize a TypeScript application.

The solution I have decided to use for that problem:

  1. Start using good old _references.ts files again.
  2. Don't bundle using TSC (just compile to JavaScript).
  3. Parse _references.ts files using a Gulp plugin/function. My idea:

var fs = require('fs');

// Consts
var PLUGIN_NAME = 'reference-parser';

// Plugin level function (dealing with files)
function referenceParser(fileName, prefix, filterParentReferences) {
    var references = [];

    var content = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'utf8');
    content = content.replace(/\/\/\/ <reference path=("|')/g, prefix);
    content = content.replace(/.ts("|')\s*\/>,?/g, '.js');

    function readLines(input) {
        if (input.length === 0)

        var newLineIndex = input.indexOf('\r\n');
        if (newLineIndex >= 0) {
            var line = input.substring(0, newLineIndex).trim();


            if (input.length > (newLineIndex + 2))
                readLines(input.substring(newLineIndex + 2));
        } else {

    function readLine(line) {
        if (line && line.length > 0) {
            //console.log('Line: ' + line);

            if (line.startsWith('//')) {
                //console.log('Comment line, ignored.');
            } else if (line.indexOf('_references.ts') >= 0) {
                //console.log('External reference line, ignored.'); // TODO Support this?
            } else if (filterParentReferences && line.startsWith('../')) {
                //console.log('Parent reference, ignored.');
            } else {

    return references;

// Exporting the plugin main function
module.exports = referenceParser;

b. Concatenate everything in a Gulp task:


        // Get module source files by parsing the module's _references.ts file.
        var sourceFiles = referenceParser(sourceRoot + '_references.ts', buildJsRoot, true);
        // console.log(sourceFiles);
        var sourcesStream = gulp
            .pipe(plugins.sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true })) // Load TypeScript generated source maps
            .pipe(plugins.concat(module.name + '.Bundle.js'))
            .pipe(plugins.uglify({ mangle: false })) // Minify the resulting bundle
            .pipe(plugins.sourcemaps.write('.')) // Write the (merged) bundle source maps
        moduleGulpStreams.add(sourcesStream); // Add the source stream to the stream merger

like image 145
DotBert Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 10:10


You can achieve this by creating multiple tsconfig.json files. Then run the compiler once for each out file:

tsc -p /path/to/first/tsconfig.json --outFile controllers.js
tsc -p /path/to/second/tsconfig.json --outFile plugins.js
like image 36
dehart Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 10:10
