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Group by LIKE of a column value




Given a hypothetical query such as this one:

FROM subscriptions
GROUP by plan_type

And a table similar to the one below:

| id |       plan_type       | customer_id |  |
|  1 | gold_2017             |         523 |  |
|  2 | gold_2016_recurring   |        2300 |  |
|  3 | silver_2016           |         234 |  |
|  4 | silver_2017_recurring |        2593 |  |
|  5 | platinum_recurring    |        4123 |  |

Desired result:

| count |   type   |
|     2 | gold     |
|     2 | silver   |
|     1 | platinum |

Is there any way to group these entries using a GROUP BY and a LIKE statement (LIKE "silver", LIKE "gold", LIKE "platinum", etc)?

like image 819
mdobrenko Avatar asked Mar 20 '17 18:03


2 Answers

You can group on some string function to reduce your plan type to the substring you want.

Sql Server example:

    left(plan_type,charindex('_',plan_type)-1) as plan_type
  , COUNT(*)
FROM subscriptions
GROUP by left(plan_type,charindex('_',plan_type)-1) 
like image 194
SqlZim Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 01:10


You can use case:

SELECT (CASE WHEN plan_type LIKE 'silver%' THEN 'silver'
             WHEN plan_type LIKE 'gold%' THEN 'gold'
             WHEN plan_type LIKE 'platinum%' THEN 'platinum'
        END) as plan_grp, COUNT(*)
FROM subscriptions
GROUP by (CASE WHEN plan_type LIKE 'silver%' THEN 'silver'
               WHEN plan_type LIKE 'gold%' THEN 'gold'
               WHEN plan_type LIKE 'platinum%' THEN 'platinum'

Some databases allow you to use a column alias in the GROUP BY.

like image 40
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 03:10

Gordon Linoff