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Group alternate pairs using LINQ




I am trying to group a list of DTOs which contain alternate family pairs to group them in the following format to minimize duplication.

Here is the DTO structure which I have currently which has duplicate rows as you can see which can be grouped together based on reverse relation also.

| PersonId | RelativeId | Relation  |
|        1 |          2 | "Son"     |
|        2 |          1 | "Father"  |
|        1 |          3 | "Mother"  |
|        3 |          1 | "Son"     |
|        2 |          3 | "Husband" |
|        3 |          2 | "Wife"    |

into something like this:

| PersonId | RelativeId | Relation  | ReverseRelation |
|        1 |          2 | "Son"     | "Father"        |
|        1 |          3 | "Mother"  | "Son"           |
|        2 |          3 | "Husband" | "Wife"          |

Code which I am trying:


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        List<RelationDTO> relationDTOList = new List<RelationDTO>
            new RelationDTO { PersonId = 1, RelativeId = 2, Relation = "Son" },
            new RelationDTO { PersonId = 2, RelativeId = 1, Relation = "Father" },

            new RelationDTO { PersonId = 1, RelativeId = 3, Relation = "Mother" },
            new RelationDTO { PersonId = 3, RelativeId = 1, Relation = "Son" },

            new RelationDTO { PersonId = 2, RelativeId = 3, Relation = "Husband" },
            new RelationDTO { PersonId = 3, RelativeId = 2, Relation = "Wife" },

        var grp = relationDTOList.GroupBy(x => new { x.PersonId }).ToList();


public class RelationDTO
    public int PersonId { get; set; }
    public int RelativeId { get; set; }
    public string Relation { get; set; }


public class Relations
    public int PersonId { get; set; }
    public int RelativeId { get; set; }
    public string Relation { get; set; }
    public string ReverseRelation { get; set; }
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Kunal Mukherjee Avatar asked Jan 03 '19 07:01

Kunal Mukherjee

People also ask

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Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is the name for a set of technologies based on the integration of query capabilities directly into the C# language. Traditionally, queries against data are expressed as simple strings without type checking at compile time or IntelliSense support.

3 Answers

You can use a join operation like

var result = relationDTOList
.Where(v => v.PersonId < v.RelativeId)
    relationDTOList.Where(v => v.PersonId > v.RelativeId),
    v => new Key{PersonId = v.PersonId, RelativeId = v.RelativeId},
    v => new Key{PersonId = v.RelativeId, RelativeId = v.PersonId},
    (p, q) => new Relations
        PersonId = p.PersonId,
        RelativeId = p.RelativeId,
        Relation = p.Relation,
        ReverseRelation = q.Relation

The Key is:

public struct Key
    public int PersonId { get; set; }
    public int RelativeId { get; set; }
like image 60
functor Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 16:11


I'm not sure whether it is what you need:

public static void Main()
    List<RelationDTO> relationDTOList = new List<RelationDTO>
        new RelationDTO { PersonId = 1, RelativeId = 2, Relation = "Son" },
        new RelationDTO { PersonId = 2, RelativeId = 1, Relation = "Father" },

        new RelationDTO { PersonId = 1, RelativeId = 3, Relation = "Mother" },
        new RelationDTO { PersonId = 3, RelativeId = 1, Relation = "Son" },

        new RelationDTO { PersonId = 2, RelativeId = 3, Relation = "Husband" },
        new RelationDTO { PersonId = 3, RelativeId = 2, Relation = "Wife" },

    var grp = relationDTOList.Join(relationDTOList, 
            dto => dto.PersonId + "-" + dto.RelativeId, 
            dto => dto.RelativeId + "-" + dto.PersonId, 
    (dto1, dto2) => new Relations 
                PersonId = dto1.PersonId, 
                RelationId = dto1.RelativeId, 
                Relation = dto1.Relation, 
                ReverseRelation = dto2.Relation 
                }).Distinct(new MyEqualityComparer());

    foreach (var g in grp)
        Console.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2},{3}", g.PersonId, g.RelationId, g.Relation, g.ReverseRelation);

public class MyEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<Relations>
    public bool Equals(Relations x, Relations y)
        return x.PersonId + "-" + x.RelationId == y.PersonId + "-" + y.RelationId || 
        x.PersonId + "-" + x.RelationId == y.RelationId + "-" + y.PersonId;

    public int GetHashCode(Relations obj)
        return 0;
like image 35
ojlovecd Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 17:11


I doubt a bit that LINQ is the best choice here as a loop with lookup might be a bit more efficient. However if you really need LINQ, then you could do the following

var relations = from person in relationDTOList
    // Match on the exact pair of IDs
    join relative in relationDTOList on
        new { person.PersonId, person.RelativeId } equals
        new { PersonId = relative.RelativeId, RelativeId = relative.PersonId }

    // Build the new structure
    let relation = new Relations {
        PersonId = person.PersonId,
        Relation = person.Relation,
        RelativeId = relative.PersonId,
        ReverseRelation = relative.Relation

    // Order the pairs to find the duplicates
    let ids = new[] {person.PersonId, relative.PersonId}.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray()
    group relation by new { FirstPersonId = ids[0], SecondPersonId = ids[1] }
    into relationGroups

    // Select only the the first of two duplicates
    select relationGroups.First();

What this code does is joins the collection with itself on the matching pairs PersonId, RelativeId and then filters out the second record of each pair thus resulting in a collection where the first person found in the list will be considered as parent in the relation.

EDIT: The lookup method I was talking about:

var result = new List<Relations>();
while (relationDTOList.Any())
    var person = relationDTOList.First();

    var relative = relationDTOList.Where(x =>
            x.PersonId == person.RelativeId && x.RelativeId == person.PersonId)
        .Select((x, i) => new {Person = x, Index = i}).FirstOrDefault();

    if (relative != null)
        result.Add(new Relations {
            PersonId = person.PersonId,
            Relation = person.Relation,
            RelativeId = relative.Person.PersonId,
            ReverseRelation = relative.Person.Relation

As a note, it empties your original list so you have to make a copy (list.ToList()) if you need it further in your code.

Running this code turned out to be about six times faster than the method with join I posted before. I also came up with the following grouping method which runs much faster than the join, however it's still slower than the lookup-and-remove method although they do a very similar thing.

var relations = relationDTOList.GroupBy(person =>
        person.PersonId < person.RelativeId
            ? new {FirstPersonId = person.PersonId, SecondPersonId = person.RelativeId}
            : new {FirstPersonId = person.RelativeId, SecondPersonId = person.PersonId})

    .Select(group => new Relations {
        PersonId = group.First().PersonId,
        Relation = group.First().Relation,
        RelativeId = group.First().RelativeId,
        ReverseRelation = group.Last().Relation
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Imantas Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 15:11
