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Group All Related Records in Many to Many Relationship, SQL graph connected components


Hopefully I'm missing a simple solution to this.

I have two tables. One contains a list of companies. The second contains a list of publishers. The mapping between the two is many to many. What I would like to do is bundle or group all of the companies in table A which have any relationship to a publisher in table B and vise versa.

The final result would look something like this (GROUPID is the key field). Row 1 and 2 are in the same group because they share the same company. Row 3 is in the same group because the publisher Y was already mapped over to company A. Row 4 is in the group because Company B was already mapped to group 1 through Publisher Y.

Said simply, any time there is any kind of shared relationship across Company and Publisher, that pair should be assigned to the same group.

ROW   GROUPID     Company     Publisher
1     1           A           Y
2     1           A           X
3     1           B           Y
4     1           B           Z
5     2           C           W
6     2           C           P
7     2           D           W


My bounty version: Given the table in the fiddle above of simply Company and Publisher pairs, populate the GROUPID field above. Think of it as creating a Family ID that encompasses all related parents/children.

SQL Server 2012

like image 406
James Frost Avatar asked Sep 04 '13 16:09

James Frost

People also ask

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When you need to establish a many-to-many relationship between two or more tables, the simplest way is to use a Junction Table. A Junction table in a database, also referred to as a Bridge table or Associative Table, bridges the tables together by referencing the primary keys of each data table.

Can you group by all SQL?

Many programmers continue to overlook helpful SQL Server features that have been available for years. Most of these overlooked features can simplify your queries, optimize their performance, and improve your productivity. One such feature is T-SQL's GROUP BY ALL option.

2 Answers

I thought about using recursive CTE, but, as far as I know, it's not possible in SQL Server to use UNION to connect anchor member and a recursive member of recursive CTE (I think it's possible to do in PostgreSQL), so it's not possible to eliminate duplicates.

declare @i int

with cte as (
         row_number() over(order by Company) as rn
     from Table1
update cte set GroupID = rn

select @i = @@rowcount

-- while some rows updated
while @i > 0
    update T1 set
        GroupID = T2.GroupID
    from Table1 as T1
        inner join (
            select T2.Company, min(T2.GroupID) as GroupID
            from Table1 as T2
            group by T2.Company
        ) as T2 on T2.Company = T1.Company
    where T1.GroupID > T2.GroupID

    select @i = @@rowcount

    update T1 set
        GroupID = T2.GroupID
    from Table1 as T1
        inner join (
            select T2.Publisher, min(T2.GroupID) as GroupID
            from Table1 as T2
            group by T2.Publisher
        ) as T2 on T2.Publisher = T1.Publisher
    where T1.GroupID > T2.GroupID

    -- will be > 0 if any rows updated
    select @i = @i + @@rowcount

;with cte as (
         dense_rank() over(order by GroupID) as rn
     from Table1
update cte set GroupID = rn

sql fiddle demo

I've also tried a breadth first search algorithm. I thought it could be faster (it's better in terms of complexity), so I'll provide a solution here. I've found that it's not faster than SQL approach, though:

declare @Company nvarchar(2), @Publisher nvarchar(2), @GroupID int

declare @Queue table (
    Company nvarchar(2), Publisher nvarchar(2), ID int identity(1, 1),
    primary key(Company, Publisher)

select @GroupID = 0

while 1 = 1
    select top 1 @Company = Company, @Publisher = Publisher
    from Table1
    where GroupID is null

    if @@rowcount = 0 break

    select @GroupID = @GroupID + 1

    insert into @Queue(Company, Publisher)
    select @Company, @Publisher

    while 1 = 1
        select top 1 @Company = Company, @Publisher = Publisher
        from @Queue
        order by ID asc

        if @@rowcount = 0 break

        update Table1 set
            GroupID = @GroupID
        where Company = @Company and Publisher = @Publisher

        delete from @Queue where Company = @Company and Publisher = @Publisher

        ;with cte as (
            select Company, Publisher from Table1 where Company = @Company and GroupID is null
            union all
            select Company, Publisher from Table1 where Publisher = @Publisher and GroupID is null
        insert into @Queue(Company, Publisher)
        select distinct c.Company, c.Publisher
        from cte as c
        where not exists (select * from @Queue as q where q.Company = c.Company and q.Publisher = c.Publisher)

sql fiddle demo

I've tested my version and Gordon Linoff's to check how it's perform. It looks like CTE is much worse, I couldn't wait while it's complete on more than 1000 rows.

Here's sql fiddle demo with random data. My results were:
128 rows:
my RBAR solution: 190ms
my SQL solution: 27ms
Gordon Linoff's solution: 958ms
256 rows:
my RBAR solution: 560ms
my SQL solution: 1226ms
Gordon Linoff's solution: 45371ms

It's random data, so results may be not very consistent. I think timing could be changed by indexes, but don't think it could change a whole picture.

old version - using temporary table, just calculating GroupID without touching initial table:

declare @i int

-- creating table to gather all possible GroupID for each row
create table #Temp
    Company varchar(1), Publisher varchar(1), GroupID varchar(1),
    primary key (Company, Publisher, GroupID)

-- initializing it with data
insert into #Temp (Company, Publisher, GroupID)
select Company, Publisher, Company
from Table1

select @i = @@rowcount

-- while some rows inserted into #Temp
while @i > 0
    -- expand #Temp in both directions
    ;with cte as (
            T2.Company, T1.Publisher,
            T1.GroupID as GroupID1, T2.GroupID as GroupID2
        from #Temp as T1
            inner join #Temp as T2 on T2.Company = T1.Company
            T1.Company, T2.Publisher,
            T1.GroupID as GroupID1, T2.GroupID as GroupID2
        from #Temp as T1
            inner join #Temp as T2 on T2.Publisher = T1.Publisher        
    ), cte2 as (
            Company, Publisher,
            case when GroupID1 < GroupID2 then GroupID1 else GroupID2 end as GroupID
        from cte
    insert into #Temp
    select Company, Publisher, GroupID
    from cte2
    -- don't insert duplicates
    select Company, Publisher, GroupID
    from #Temp

    -- will be > 0 if any row inserted
    select @i = @@rowcount

    Company, Publisher,
    dense_rank() over(order by min(GroupID)) as GroupID
from #Temp
group by Company, Publisher

=> sql fiddle example

like image 172
Roman Pekar Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 21:11

Roman Pekar

Your problem is a graph-walking problem of finding connected subgraphs. It is a little more challenging because your data structure has two types of nodes ("companies" and "pubishers") rather than one type.

You can solve this with a single recursive CTE. The logic is as follows.

First, convert the problem into a graph with only one type of node. I do this by making the nodes companies and the edges linkes between companies, using the publisher information. This is just a join:

      select t1.company as node1, t2.company as node2
      from table1 t1 join
           table1 t2
           on t1.publisher = t2.publisher

(For efficiency sake, you could also add t1.company <> t2.company but that is not strictly necessary.)

Now, this is a "simple" graph walking problem, where a recursive CTE is used to create all connections between two nodes. The recursive CTE walks through the graph using join. Along the way, it keeps a list of all nodes visited. In SQL Server, this needs to be stored in a string.

The code needs to ensure that it doesn't visit a node twice for a given path, because this can result in infinite recursion (and an error). If the above is called edges, the CTE that generates all pairs of connected nodes looks like:

     cte as (
      select e.node1, e.node2, cast('|'+e.node1+'|'+e.node2+'|' as varchar(max)) as nodes,
             1 as level
      from edges e
      union all
      select c.node1, e.node2, c.nodes+e.node2+'|', 1+c.level
      from cte c join
           edges e
           on c.node2 = e.node1 and
              c.nodes not like '|%'+e.node2+'%|'

Now, with this list of connected nodes, assign each node the minimum of all the nodes it is connected to, including itself. This serves as an identifier of connected subgraphs. That is, all companies connected to each other via the publishers will have the same minimum.

The final two steps are to enumerate this minimum (as the GroupId) and to join the GroupId back to the original data.

The full (and I might add tested) query looks like:

with edges as (
      select t1.company as node1, t2.company as node2
      from table1 t1 join
           table1 t2
           on t1.publisher = t2.publisher
     cte as (
      select e.node1, e.node2,
             cast('|'+e.node1+'|'+e.node2+'|' as varchar(max)) as nodes,
             1 as level
      from edges e
      union all
      select c.node1, e.node2,
      from cte c join
           edges e
           on c.node2 = e.node1 and
              c.nodes not like '|%'+e.node2+'%|'
     nodes as (
       select node1,
              (case when min(node2) < node1 then min(node2) else node1 end
              ) as grp
       from cte
       group by node1
select t.company, t.publisher, grp.GroupId
from table1 t join
     (select n.node1, dense_rank() over (order by grp) as GroupId
      from nodes n
     ) grp
     on t.company = grp.node1;

Note that this works on finding any connected subgraphs. It does not assume that any particular number of levels.


The question of performance for this is vexing. At a minimum, the above query will run better with an index on Publisher. Better yet is to take @MikaelEriksson's suggestion, and put the edges in a separate table.

Another question is whether you look for equivalency classes among the Companies or the Publishers. I took the approach of using Companies, because I think that has better "explanability" (my inclination to respond was based on numerous comments that this could not be done with CTEs).

I am guessing that you could get reasonable performance from this, although that requires more knowledge of your data and system than provided in the OP. It is quite likely, though, that the best performance will come from a multiple query approach.

like image 33
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 20:11

Gordon Linoff