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Groovy write to file (newline)




I created a small function that simply writes text to a file, but I am having issues making it write each piece of information to a new line. Can someone explain why it puts everything on the same line?

Here is my function:

public void writeToFile(def directory, def fileName, def extension, def infoList) {     File file = new File("$directory/$fileName$extension")      infoList.each {         file << ("${it}\n")     } } 

The simple code I'm testing it with is something like this:

def directory = 'C:/' def folderName = 'testFolder' def c  def txtFileInfo = []  String a = "Today is a new day" String b = "Tomorrow is the future" String d = "Yesterday is the past"  txtFileInfo << a txtFileInfo << b txtFileInfo << d  c = createFolder(directory, folderName) //this simply creates a folder to drop the txt file in  writeToFile(c, "garbage", ".txt", txtFileInfo) 

The above creates a text file in that folder and the contents of the text file look like this:

Today is a new dayTomorrow is the futureYesterday is the past 

As you can see, the text is all bunched together instead of separated on a new line per text. I assume it has something to do with how I am adding it into my list?

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StartingGroovy Avatar asked Nov 24 '10 22:11


People also ask

How do you make a new line in Groovy?

Some systems require \n and others require \r\n. It's hard to tell, so let the system figure it out as per this example.

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You can use the print function to print a string to the screen. You can include \n to embed a newline character. There is no need for semi-colon ; at the end of the statement. Alternatively you can use the println function that will automatically append a newline to the end of the output.

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Thanks so much! Groovy handles the close for you. So no need to explicitly call it.

2 Answers

As @Steven points out, a better way would be:

public void writeToFile(def directory, def fileName, def extension, def infoList) {   new File("$directory/$fileName$extension").withWriter { out ->     infoList.each {       out.println it     }   } } 

As this handles the line separator for you, and handles closing the writer as well

(and doesn't open and close the file each time you write a line, which could be slow in your original version)

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tim_yates Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09


It looks to me, like you're working in windows in which case a new line character in not simply \n but rather \r\n

You can always get the correct new line character through System.getProperty("line.separator") for example.

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mfloryan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09
