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Groovy - expanding list into closure arguments

Is it possible to have a list and use it as an argument for a closure signature that instead several variables? The reason is that I have to call a closure from java code, and the java code won't know what variables the groovy closure needs.

This is better served with an example.

Say I have a 'closure repository', where each closure might have different signatures. EG:

closures = [
    closureA: { int a, String b ->
        a.times {
    closureB: { int a, int b, String c ->
        (a+b).times {

Then I've got a method that I'm exposing to my java code to call these closures:

def tryClosureExpansion(String whichClosure, Object ... args) {
    def c = closures[whichClosure]
    c.call(args)     // DOESNT COMPILE !

And it Java I'd call this method like this:

// these calls will happen from Java, not from Groovy
tryClosureExpansion("closureA", 1, "Hello");
tryClosureExpansion("closureB", 1, 5, "Hello more");

See above on the line that doesn't compile. I feel like groovy is 'groovy' enough to handle something like this. Any alternative that might fly?

like image 983
Roy Truelove Avatar asked May 08 '12 21:05

Roy Truelove

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1 Answers


c.call( *args )

Work? Not at a computer atm to test it

like image 121
tim_yates Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09
