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GridSearchCV extremely slow on small dataset in scikit-learn

This is odd. I can successfully run the example grid_search_digits.py. However, I am unable to do a grid search on my own data.

I have the following setup:

import sklearn
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.cross_validation import LeaveOneOut
from sklearn.metrics import auc_score

# ... Build X and y ....

tuned_parameters = [{'kernel': ['rbf'], 'gamma': [1e-3, 1e-4],
                     'C': [1, 10, 100, 1000]},
                    {'kernel': ['linear'], 'C': [1, 10, 100, 1000]}]

loo = LeaveOneOut(len(y))
clf = GridSearchCV(SVC(C=1), tuned_parameters, score_func=auc_score)
clf.fit(X, y, cv=loo)
print clf.best_estimator_

But I never get passed clf.fit (I left it run for ~1hr).

I have tried also with

clf.fit(X, y, cv=10)

and with

skf = StratifiedKFold(y,2)
clf.fit(X, y, cv=skf)

and had the same problem (it never finishes the clf.fit statement). My data is simple:

> X.shape

> y.shape

> numpy.sum(y)

> y.dtype

Type:       ndarray
String Form:[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1]
Length:     27
File:       /home/jacob04/opt/python/numpy/numpy-1.7.1/lib/python2.7/site-
Docstring:  <no docstring>
Class Docstring:
ndarray(shape, dtype=float, buffer=None, offset=0,
        strides=None, order=None)

> ?X
Type:       ndarray
String Form:
       [[ -3.61238468e+03  -3.61253920e+03  -3.61290196e+03  -3.61326679e+03
           7.84590361e+02   0.0000 <...> 0000e+00   2.22389150e+00   2.53252959e+00 
           2.11606216e+00  -1.99613432e+05  -1.99564828e+05]]
Length:     27
File:       /home/jacob04/opt/python/numpy/numpy-1.7.1/lib/python2.7/site-
Docstring:  <no docstring>
Class Docstring:
ndarray(shape, dtype=float, buffer=None, offset=0,
        strides=None, order=None)

This is all with the latest version of scikit-learn (0.13.1) and:

$ pip freeze
-e git+https://github.com/PyTables/PyTables.git@df7b20444b0737cf34686b5d88b4e674ec85575b#egg=tables-dev

The odd thing is that fitting a single SVM is extremely fast:

>  %timeit clf2 = svm.SVC(); clf2.fit(X,y)                                                                                                             
1000 loops, best of 3: 328 us per loop


I have noticed that if I pre-scale the data with:

from sklearn import preprocessing
X = preprocessing.scale(X) 

the grid search is extremely fast.

Why? Why does GridSearchCV is so sensitive to scaling while a regular svm.SVC().fit is not?

like image 912
Amelio Vazquez-Reina Avatar asked Jul 03 '13 18:07

Amelio Vazquez-Reina

1 Answers

As noted already, for SVM-based Classifiers ( as y == np.int* ) preprocessing is a must, otherwise the ML-Estimator's prediction capability is lost right by skewed features' influence onto a decission function.

As objected the processing times:

  • try to get better view what is your AI/ML-Model Overfit/Generalisation [C,gamma] landscape
  • try to add verbosity into the initial AI/ML-process tuning
  • try to add n_jobs into the number crunching
  • try to add Grid Computing move into your computation approach if scale requires


aGrid = aML_GS.GridSearchCV( aClassifierOBJECT,
                                    param_grid = aGrid_of_parameters,
                                    cv         = cv,
                                    n_jobs     = n_JobsOnMultiCpuCores,
                                    verbose    = 5 )

Sometimes, the GridSearchCV() can indeed take a huge amount of CPU-time / CPU-poolOfRESOURCEs, even after all the above mentioned tips are used.

So, keep calm and do not panic, if you are sure the Feature-Engineering, data-sanity & FeatureDOMAIN preprocessing was done correctly.

[GridSearchCV] ................ C=16777216.0, gamma=0.5, score=0.761619 -62.7min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=0.5 .........................................
[GridSearchCV] ................ C=16777216.0, gamma=0.5, score=0.792793 -64.4min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=1.0 .........................................
[GridSearchCV] ............... C=16777216.0, gamma=1.0, score=0.793103 -116.4min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=1.0 .........................................
[GridSearchCV] ............... C=16777216.0, gamma=1.0, score=0.794603 -205.4min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=1.0 .........................................
[GridSearchCV] ............... C=16777216.0, gamma=1.0, score=0.771772 -200.9min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=2.0 .........................................
[GridSearchCV] ............... C=16777216.0, gamma=2.0, score=0.713643 -446.0min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=2.0 .........................................
[GridSearchCV] ............... C=16777216.0, gamma=2.0, score=0.743628 -184.6min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=2.0 .........................................
[GridSearchCV] ............... C=16777216.0, gamma=2.0, score=0.761261 -281.2min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=4.0 .........................................
[GridSearchCV] ............... C=16777216.0, gamma=4.0, score=0.670165 -138.7min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=4.0 .........................................
[GridSearchCV] ................ C=16777216.0, gamma=4.0, score=0.760120 -97.3min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=4.0 .........................................
[GridSearchCV] ................ C=16777216.0, gamma=4.0, score=0.732733 -66.3min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=8.0 .........................................
[GridSearchCV] ................ C=16777216.0, gamma=8.0, score=0.755622 -13.6min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=8.0 .........................................
[GridSearchCV] ................ C=16777216.0, gamma=8.0, score=0.772114 - 4.6min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=8.0 .........................................
[GridSearchCV] ................ C=16777216.0, gamma=8.0, score=0.717718 -14.7min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=16.0 ........................................
[GridSearchCV] ............... C=16777216.0, gamma=16.0, score=0.763118 - 1.3min
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=16.0 ........................................
[GridSearchCV] ............... C=16777216.0, gamma=16.0, score=0.746627 -  25.4s
[GridSearchCV] C=16777216.0, gamma=16.0 ........................................
[GridSearchCV] ............... C=16777216.0, gamma=16.0, score=0.738739 -  44.9s
[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done 2700 out of 2700 | elapsed: 5670.8min finished

As have asked above about "... a regular svm.SVC().fit " kindly notice, it uses default [C,gamma] values and thus have no relevance to behaviour of your Model / ProblemDOMAIN.

Re: Update

oh yes indeed, regularisation/scaling of SVM-inputs is a mandatory task for this AI/ML tool. scikit-learn has a good instrumentation to produce and re-use aScalerOBJECT for both a-priori scaling ( before aDataSET goes into .fit() ) & ex-post ad-hoc scaling, once you need to re-scale a new example and send it to the predictor to answer it's magic via a request to
anSvmCLASSIFIER.predict( aScalerOBJECT.transform( aNewExampleX ) )

( Yes, aNewExampleX may be a matrix, so asking for a "vectorised" processing of several answers )

Performance relief of O( M 2 . N 1 ) computational complexity

In contrast to the below posted guess, that the Problem-"width", measured as N == a number of SVM-Features in matrix X is to be blamed for an overall computing time, the SVM classifier with rbf-kernel is by-design an O( M 2 . N 1 ) problem.

So, there is quadratic dependence on the overall number of observations ( examples ), moved into a Training ( .fit() ) or CrossValidation phase and one can hardly state, that the supervised learning classifier will get any better predictive power if one "reduces" the ( linear only ) "width" of features, that per se bear the inputs into the constructed predictive power of the SVM-classifier, don't they?

like image 95
user3666197 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09
