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GridSearchCV does not give the same results as expected when compared to xgboost.cv

when comparing sklearn.GridSearchCV with xgboost.cv I get different results...below I explain what I would like to do:

1) import libraries

import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets
import xgboost as xgb
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from xgboost.sklearn import XGBClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold

2) set seed and folds

seed = 5
n_fold_inner = 5
skf_inner               = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_fold_inner,random_state=seed, shuffle=True)

3) load dataset

X, y = datasets.make_hastie_10_2(n_samples=12000, random_state=1)
X = X.astype(np.float32)

# map labels from {-1, 1} to {0, 1}
labels, y = np.unique(y, return_inverse=True)

X_train, X_test = X[:2000], X[2000:]
y_train, y_test = y[:2000], y[2000:]
dtrain  = xgb.DMatrix(X_train,  label=y_train, missing = np.nan)

4) define parameters xgboost

fixed_parameters = {
               'silent': 1}

5) parameters for wich I do the grid search (only one, ie the number of estimators)

params_grid = {
               'n_estimators':np.linspace(1, 20, 20).astype('int')

6) perform grid search

bst_grid = GridSearchCV(


best_params_grid_search = bst_grid.best_params_
best_score_grid_search = bst_grid.best_score_

means_train = bst_grid.cv_results_['mean_train_score']
stds_train = bst_grid.cv_results_['std_train_score']
means_test = bst_grid.cv_results_['mean_test_score']
stds_test = bst_grid.cv_results_['std_test_score']

7) print results

print('\ntest-auc-mean  test-auc-std  train-auc-mean  train-auc-std')
for idx in range(0, len(means_test)):
    print means_test[idx], stds_test[idx], means_train[idx], stds_train[idx]

8) now I run xgb.cv with the same parameters of before for 20 rounds (the n_estimators that I was giving as input to the gridsearch before. The problem is that I get different results...

num_rounds = 20
best_params_grid_search['objective']= 'binary:logistic'
best_params_grid_search['silent']= 1
cv_xgb = xgb.cv(best_params_grid_search,dtrain,num_boost_round =num_rounds,folds=skf_inner,metrics={'auc'},seed=seed,maximize=True)

RESULT GRIDSEARCH (each row is using n estimators (1,2,3,...,20)

test-auc-mean  test-auc-std  train-auc-mean  train-auc-std
0.610051313783 0.0161039540435 0.644057288587 0.0113345992869
0.69201880047 0.0162563563448 0.736006666658 0.00692672815659
0.745466211655 0.0171675737271 0.796345885396 0.00696679302744
0.783959748994 0.00705320521545 0.841463145757 0.00948465661336
0.814666429161 0.0205663250121 0.876016226998 0.00594191823748
0.834757856446 0.0380407635359 0.89839145346 0.0119466187041
0.846589877247 0.0250769570711 0.918506450202 0.00400934458132
0.856519550489 0.02076405634 0.929968936282 0.00287173282935
0.874262106553 0.0270140215944 0.940190511945 0.00335749381638
0.884796282407 0.0242102758081 0.947369708661 0.00274634034559
0.890833683342 0.0240690598159 0.953708404754 0.00332080069217
0.898287157179 0.0212975975614 0.958794323829 0.00463360376002
0.905931348284 0.0240526927266 0.963055575138 0.00385161158711
0.911782932073 0.0169788764956 0.966542306102 0.00274612227499
0.912551138778 0.0175200936415 0.969060984867 0.00135518880398
0.915046588665 0.0169918459539 0.971904231381 0.00177694652262
0.917921423036 0.0131486037603 0.975162276052 0.0025983006922
0.921909172729 0.0113192686772 0.976056924526 0.0022670828819
0.928131653291 0.0117709832599 0.978585868159 0.00211167800105
0.931493562339 0.0119475329984 0.98098486872 0.00186032225868


    test-auc-mean  test-auc-std  train-auc-mean  train-auc-std
0        0.669881      0.013938        0.772116       0.011315
1        0.759682      0.019225        0.883394       0.004381
2        0.798337      0.016992        0.939274       0.005196
3        0.827751      0.007224        0.962461       0.007382
4        0.850340      0.011451        0.978809       0.001102
5        0.864438      0.020012        0.986584       0.000858
6        0.879706      0.014168        0.991765       0.001926
7        0.889308      0.013851        0.994663       0.000970
8        0.897973      0.011383        0.996704       0.000481
9        0.903878      0.012139        0.997494       0.000432
10       0.909599      0.010234        0.998301       0.000602
11       0.912682      0.014475        0.998972       0.000306
12       0.914289      0.014122        0.999392       0.000207
13       0.916273      0.011744        0.999568       0.000185
14       0.918050      0.011219        0.999718       0.000140
15       0.922161      0.011968        0.999788       0.000146
16       0.922990      0.010124        0.999863       0.000085
17       0.924221      0.009026        0.999893       0.000082
18       0.925718      0.008859        0.999929       0.000060
19       0.926104      0.007586        0.999959       0.000030
like image 520
gabboshow Avatar asked Jan 30 '17 15:01


People also ask

What is CV value in GridSearchCV?

cv: number of cross-validation you have to try for each selected set of hyperparameters. verbose: you can set it to 1 to get the detailed print out while you fit the data to GridSearchCV. n_jobs: number of processes you wish to run in parallel for this task if it -1 it will use all available processors.

What does CV stand for in GridSearchCV and why?

cross-validation: the score of each combination of parameters on the grid is computed by using an internal cross-validation procedure.

Is grid search CV cross-validation?

Yes, GridSearchCV performs cross-validation.

1 Answers

num_boost_round is the number of boosting iterations (i.e. n_estimators). XGBoost.cv will ignore n_estimators from params and overwrit it by num_boost_round.

Try this:

cv_xgb = xgb.cv(best_params_grid_search,dtrain,num_boost_round =best_params_grid_search['n_estimators'],folds=skf_inner,metrics={'auc'},seed=seed,maximize=True)
like image 117
Amine Benatmane Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Amine Benatmane