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Grid Size in Spring batch

I have batch job which reads data from bulk files, process it and insert in DB.

I'm using spring's partitioning features using the default partition handler.

    <bean class="org.spr...TaskExecutorPartitionHandler">
          <property name="taskExecutor" ref="taskExecutor"/>
          <property name="step" ref="readFromFile" />
          <property name="gridSize" value="10" />

What is the significance of the gridSize here ? I have configured in such a way that it is equal to the concurrency in taskExecutor.

like image 856
nobody Avatar asked Oct 13 '11 19:10


2 Answers

gridSize specifies the number of data blocks to create to be processed by (usually) the same number of workers. Think about it as a number of mapped data blocks in a map/reduce.

Using a StepExecutionSplitter, given the data, PartitionHandler "partitions" / splits the data to a gridSize parts, and sends each part to an independent worker => thread in your case.

For example, you have 10 rows in DB that need to be processed. If you set the gridSize to be 5, and you are using a straightforward partition logic, you'd end up with 10 / 5 = 2 rows per thread => 5 threads working concurrently on 2 rows each.

like image 177
tolitius Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 22:11


Per the API,

Passed to the StepExecutionSplitter in the handle(StepExecutionSplitter, StepExecution) method, instructing it how many StepExecution instances are required, ideally. The StepExecutionSplitter is allowed to ignore the grid size in the case of a restart, since the input data partitions must be preserved.

like image 23
Jim Kiley Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 23:11

Jim Kiley