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Green DAO vs ORM lite vs Active Android [closed]

Which is the best ORM tool available for Android?

I am seeing ORMlite and ActiveAndroid are the most discussed across and a friend of mine suggested me to use GreenDAO. So looking for some knowledge resource which can help me in Decision Making?

Features I am looking to judge are freely available (open source), good documentation, active forums, stable version available, etc, which ever required for developer.

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Ravi G Avatar asked Dec 03 '12 10:12

Ravi G

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How does greendao Orm work with Android apps?

When we start up our Android app, greenDAO ORM creates an SQLite database file “greendao-demo-db” if that file doesn’t exist yet in /data/data/com.turreta.greendaogeneraldemo/databases. If the file already exists, greenDAO ORM uses it. From here on, we use an instance of DaoSession.

What is a dao Orm?

A ORM is a robust library/API that provides a bunch of tools to save/retrieve an object directly to/from the database without having to write your own SQL statements. EDIT: Note - they aren't opposing concepts (they actually go together quite well). It isn't uncommon for your DAO to use an ORM.

What is the difference between an ORM and an API?

For example, there might be operations to retrieve a subset of data, update the data, or remove the data. It is much more generic than ORM - it simply is an object an application uses to retrieve data. ORM: An ORM usually describes a library/API used to make interactions with a database more robust.

What is greendao?

greenDAO: Android ORM for your SQLite database - Open Source by greenrobot greenDAO is an open source Android ORM providing an easy and very fast way to use SQLite databases to help developers handle data efficiently. EventBus Features Documentation How to get started

1 Answers

I would suggest ORMlite its open source freeware & has good documentation also it support java as well as android.

It has good developer support & many application running on ORMlite (Including I have developed :) ).

check this comparison of ORMLite & Green DAO for your referance.

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R World Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 01:10

R World