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great first run experience [closed]

Does anyone have good examples of software that has a fantastic first run experience? Some software obviously just works "out of the box". However, there is significant software that requires some configuration before it's usable.

Any examples would be much appreciated.

Cheers, Yi

like image 806
Yi. Avatar asked Feb 22 '09 21:02


1 Answers

I was very impressed by Opera the first time I tried it; within a week I switched from Firefox. It comes with a lot of features such as an IRC and Bittorrent client, which is important to me at school, where there is a quota of 50 megs on disk space! Most of Opera's features are eventually available/copied to Firefox as plugins, but I still prefer Opera at home because the text looks better.

like image 60
vinc456 Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 11:11
