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graphql using nested query arguments on parent or parent arguments on nested query

I have a product and items


  id: Int
  style_id: Int
  items: [items]


  id: Int
  product_id: Int
  size: String

I want to query products but only get back products that have an item with a size.

So a query could look like this:

products(size: ["S","M"]) {
  items(size: ["S","M"]) {

But it seems like there should be a way where I can just do

products {
  items(size: ["S","M"]) {

And in the resolver for the products I can grab arguments from the nested query and use them. In this case add the check to only return products that have those sizes. This way I have the top level returned with pagination correct instead of a lot of empty products.

Is this possible or atleast doing it the other way around:

products(size: ["S","M"]) {
  items {

And sending the size argument down to the items resolver? Only way I know would be through context but the one place I found this they said that it is not a great idea because context spans the full query in all depths.

like image 721
BrinkDaDrink Avatar asked Dec 07 '18 08:12


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3 Answers

I agree with @DenisCappelini's answer. If possible, you can create a new type which represents only Products that have an Item.

However, if you don't want to do that, or if you're just interested in general about how a top-level selector can know about arguments on child selectors, here is a way to do that:

There are 2 ways to do it.

To do this:

products {
  items(size: ["S","M"]) {

In graphql, resolvers have this signature:

(obj, args, context, info) => {}

The 4th argument, info, contains information about the entire request. Namely, it knows about arguments on the child selectors.

Use this package, or a similar one because there are others, to parse info for you: https://www.npmjs.com/package/graphql-parse-resolve-info

The above is quite a lot of work, so if you want to do this instead:

products(size: ["S","M"]) {
  items {

Then in your resolver for products, you need to also return size. Suppose this is your resolver for products:

(parent, args) => {
  return {
    id: '',
    style_id: ''

Modify your resolver to also return size like this:

(parent, args) => {
  return {
    id: '',
    style_id: '',
    size: ["S", "M"]

Now in your resolve for products.items, you will have access to the size, like this:

(product, args) => {
  const size = product.size
like image 59
Croolsby Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 12:10


IMO you should have a ProductFilterInputType which is represented by a GraphQLList(GraphQLString), and this resolver filters the products based on this list.

import { GraphQLList, GraphQLString } from 'graphql';

const ProductFilterInputType = new GraphQLInputObjectType({
  name: 'ProductFilter',
  fields: () => ({
    size: {
      type: GraphQLList(GraphQLString),
      description: 'list of sizes',

Hope it helps :)

like image 1
Denis Cappelini Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 10:10

Denis Cappelini

I found this useful #reference

//the typedef:

type Post {
    _id: String
    title: String
    private: Boolean
    author(username: String): Author
//the resolver:
Post: {
        author(post, {username}){
// usage
    posts(private: true){
    author(username: "theara"){
like image 1
Tun Cham Roeun Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 12:10

Tun Cham Roeun