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Graph authentication through Client Credentials flow - Will my app have access to just my user account or to the whole organization?

I have a daemon script that needs to access my Office 365 inbox to read messages. Currently I am using basic authentication with V1.0 of the Outlook Rest API, which works well but since it is being discontinued I am looking to move to the Graph API and OAuth 2.0 authentication. The client credentails flow, as described here seems to be the best option for a daemon script, however, I'm confused on the scope of the permissions that the app will have. The article I linked above makes it look as if the app will have access to the entire organization but I only need the script to be able to access my own account. I don't want my app to have access to other users' accounts and I don't think our I.T. department would allow that either.

So, what is the scope of the app's permission when using client-credentials authentication? If the answer is "the whole organization", then is there a way to limit the permissions to just my account? If not, what are my other options?

Edit: A similar question was asked here but did not get any answers.

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BigGerman Avatar asked May 10 '18 12:05


2 Answers

That is correct. If you use Client Credentials, you are by definition using Application Scopes. These tokens have no "user" context and are therefore tenant-wide permissions. This is why Application Scopes always require Admin Consent before they can be used.

From the documentation:

Mail.Read (Read mail in all mailboxes)

Allows the app to read mail in all mailboxes without a signed-in user.

If this is just for your mailbox rather than something you're deploying to others, you can use the Authorization Code Grant with the offline_access scope to obtain both an access_token and refresh_token.

Once you've "seeded" your app with the token, the app can use the refresh_token to obtain a new access_token when it expires. You may occasionally need to re-seed your app/service (for example, if your password changes) but otherwise, it should work without interaction.

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Marc LaFleur Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09

Marc LaFleur

It is now possible to scope application permissions according to Microsoft Docs.

Some apps call Microsoft Graph using their own identity and not on behalf of a user. These are usually background services or daemon apps that run on a server without the presence of a signed-in user. These apps make use of OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant flow to authenticate and are configured with application permissions, which enable such apps to access all mailboxes in a organization on Exchange Online. For example, the Mail.Read application permission allows apps to read mail in all mailboxes without a signed-in user.

Administrators who want to limit the app access to a specific set of mailboxes can use the New-ApplicationAccessPolicy PowerShell cmdlet to configure access control.

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Pascal R. Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09

Pascal R.