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Granting access to IIS 7.5 ApplicationPoolIdentity [duplicate]

When I try to access my ASP.NET MVC application I get the error:

Access to the path 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website\bin\test.Platform.Config.xml' is denied 

I run IIS 7.5 with an application pool that has the property:

Identity: ApplicationPoolIdentity 

I imagine it is because the 'ApplicationPoolIdentity' cannot read the file I try to access. So my question is: Since the 'ApplicationPoolIdentity' is not a system user, which user or group do I need to grant further access in order to allow the 'ApplicationPoolIdentity' to read the file?

Or is there some other explanation for this authorization problem?

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Baxter Avatar asked Nov 19 '12 19:11


People also ask

How do I grant ApplicationPoolIdentity permissions?

Click the Locations button and make sure that you select your computer. Enter IIS AppPool\<myappoolname> (eg: IIS AppPool\PK Protect) in the Enter the object names to select: text box. Click the Check Names button and click OK. Check Modify under the Allow column, and click OK, and OK.

How do I give permission to user in IIS?

To grant a user permission to a site or an application, select the site or application and then open the IIS Manager Permissions feature to configure the users who are allowed to connect to that site or application.

What is IIS ApplicationPoolIdentity?

ApplicationPoolIdentity: When a new application pool is created, IIS creates a virtual account that has the name of the new application pool and that runs the application pool worker process under this account. This is also a least-privileged account.

1 Answers

Ok I have the solution:

When using "ApplicationPoolIdentity" with IIS 7.5 the corresponding user is (a virtual system user):

"IIS AppPool\<AppPoolName>" 

You can grant this user permissions and check security setting by searching for this user. See the full explanation here:


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Baxter Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10
