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Grant privileges to a specific table with PostgreSQL (relation "*" does not exist)



I am trying to grant read only access to a user on a few tables.

Here is what I have done so far:

postgres=# CREATE ROLE myuser LOGIN PASSWORD 'mypassword';
postgres=# GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE mydb TO myuser;

The tests I have tried (which does not work):

postgres=# GRANT SELECT ON TABLE mytable TO myuser;
ERROR:  relation "mytable" does not exist
postgres=# GRANT SELECT ON TABLE mydb.mytable TO myuser;
ERROR:  schema "mydb" does not exist
postgres=# GRANT SELECT ON TABLE public.mytable TO myuser;
ERROR:  relation "public.mytable" does not exist
postgres=# GRANT SELECT ON TABLE mydb.public.mytable TO myuser;
ERROR:  cross-database references are not implemented: "mydb.public.mytable"

The resources I relied on:

https://tableplus.io/blog/2018/04/postgresql-how-to-create-read-only-user.html https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-grant.html

I do not understand what is missing because I followed these articles, my logic would be to specify in which database is the table but this is not mentioned.

I have also already checked for similar issues on StackOverflow, but the steps are the same as the resources I mentioned above.

(I don't know if it's relevant but I use postgresql 9.6)

Help would be really appreciated!


EDIT: when I run the \d command

postgres=# \d
No relations found.

postgres=# select current_database();
(1 row)

I tought the postgres user had all the privileges, but maybe I should connect with my own user ?

like image 454
Sewake Avatar asked Apr 09 '19 10:04


People also ask

How do you fix relation does not exist in PostgreSQL?

The name of table my_database referencing a column in my_schema does not exist because you need to add CREATE TABLE statement to create a table. Now by adding the statement below, we can make sure that we don't get this comment relation does not exist.

1 Answers

In order to specify permissions on a particular table, you have to be connected to the relevant database. You can connect to a database using the \connect or the \c command.

The following work:

postgres=# \connect mydb
postgres=# GRANT SELECT ON TABLE mytable TO myuser;

Useful commands:

  • Verify your current database: select current_database();

  • Check the available relations: \d

Thanks @a_horse_with_no_name for pointing out the error.

like image 66
Sewake Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
