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Grails3 file upload maxFileSize limit

I am trying to update the file upload maxFileSize limit in Grails 3 and tried the configuration in src/main/resources/application.properties, application.groovy and application.yml, but it's still throwing the exception

    the request was rejected because its size (154738) exceeds the configured maximum (128000)

Any help on where and what to configure in a Grails 3 application?

like image 761
Naman Jain Avatar asked Apr 24 '15 11:04

Naman Jain

1 Answers

Grails 3, Grails 4 and Grails 5

The solution is to set maxFileSize and maxRequestSize limits inside your application.yml file (usually placed inside grails-app/conf/). Be sure to have something like this:

            maxFileSize: 2000000
            maxRequestSize: 2000000

Replace 2000000 with the number of max bytes you want for a file upload and for the entire request. Grails 3, Grails 4 and Grails 5 default is 128000 (~128KB).


1. How to convert from MB to bytes?

YOUR_MAX_SIZE_IN_MB * 1024 * 1024 = BYTES

E.g. Convert 5 MB in bytes

5 * 1024 * 1024 = **5242880** bytes

2. Security

As OWASP says

Limit the file size to a maximum value in order to prevent denial of service attacks

So these limits exist to prevent DoS attacks and to enforce overall application performance (bigger request size == more memory used from the server).

3. What is the right value for maxFileSize and maxRequestSize?

It depends on the application type, but it's generally a bad idea to keep them too high. If you really need to upload big files, probably you should develop (or use) a dedicated (and separated) service.

like image 199
lifeisfoo Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 15:10
