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Grails Serve Static Contents from WebServer from ApplicationResources.groovy

We have a web server for static files (css/js/images). We obtain the war from the Grails command and delete the static web-app contents from application (in build.xml). I thought resources will be redirected to static/js/ or static/css/ but it complains that js/ or /css/ cannot be found.

We don't want to have duplicates under application and web-server. How to force Grails to look at external directory in ApplicationResources.groovy?

The Web server overrides static contents only if files are already present under Application.

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Rradhak Avatar asked Mar 28 '15 19:03


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1 Answers

Use below configuration in Config.groovy:

grails.resources.work.dir = "path/for/static/assets/in/web/server"

Refer the configuration page of resources plugin for details. However, in future, if you decide to migrate to use asset-pipeline plugin instead of resources plugin then use below configuration:

grails.assets.url = "path/for/static/assets/in/web/server"

Refer docs for details.

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dmahapatro Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 20:10
