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Grails REST controller responds with incorrect content type




I'm trying to write a Grails REST controller that should always respond with JSON. The controller is shown below:

class TimelineController {

    static allowedMethods = [index: "GET"]
    static responseFormats = ['json']

    TimelineService timelineService

    def index(TimeLineCommand command) {
        List<TimelineItem> timeline = timelineService.currentUserTimeline(command)
        respond timeline

I'm using the respond method which is part of Grails' REST support, so content negotiation is used to figure out what type of response to render. In this particular case I would expect JSON to be chosen because the controller specifies

    static responseFormats = ['json']

Furthermore I've written (and registered with Spring) the following renderer to customise the format of the JSON that is returned for the List<TimelineItem>

class TimelineRenderer implements ContainerRenderer<List, TimelineItem> {

    Class<List> getTargetType() {

    Class<TimelineItem> getComponentType() {

    void render(List timeline, RenderContext context) {

        context.contentType = MimeType.JSON.name
        def builder = new JsonBuilder()

            [items: timeline.collect { TimelineItem timelineItem ->

                def domainInstance = timelineItem.item

                return [
                        date: timelineItem.date,
                        type: domainInstance.class.simpleName,
                        item: [
                                id   : domainInstance.id,
                                value: domainInstance.toString()


    MimeType[] getMimeTypes() {
        [MimeType.JSON] as MimeType[]

I've written some functional tests, and can see that although my renderer is invoked, the resolved content type is text/html, so the controller returns a 404 because it can't find a GSP with the expected name.

I strongly suspect the problem is related to the use of a custom renderer, because I have another almost identical controller which doesn't use a custom renderer and it resolves the content type correctly.

like image 925
Dónal Avatar asked May 15 '15 16:05


1 Answers

Looks like you have to create a blank (at least) index.gsp under


to make the renderer work. I am successfully getting back content type as application/json

This behavior baffles me a lot and I am still looking into it. This is worth a JIRA issue. If you need I can push my dummy app to github.

Issue created in github (with links to sample app).

like image 148
dmahapatro Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09
