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Grails java.io.File mocking




Is there any way to mock a file for unit testing in Grails?

I need to test file size and file type and it would help if I could mock these.

Any link to a resource would help.

like image 708
Akolopez Avatar asked Apr 14 '14 04:04


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1 Answers

You can mock java.io.File in Groovy code with Spock.

Here's an example of how to do it:

import spock.lang.Specification

class FileSpySpec extends Specification {
    def 'file spy example' () {
        def mockFile = Mock(File)
        GroovySpy(File, global: true, useObjenesis: true)
        def file = new File('testdir', 'testfile')
        then :
        1 * new File('testdir','testfile') >> { mockFile }
        1 * mockFile.delete()

The idea is to return the file's Spock mock from a java.io.File constructor call expectation which has the expected parameters.

like image 193
Lari Hotari Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Lari Hotari