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Grails default package name

I am new to Grails and I like it very much. I want to place my classes in packages like org.company.project.module.model. Its quite painful for to me to repeat create-domain-class <package>.<class_name>. Is there something like "package templates" or can I somehow "enter" (like grails cd org.comopany...) and then just write Class names (grails Person will be generated in ./ location)? Is that possible or should I use copy paste design pattern? Thanks in advance for any help.

like image 986
svobol13 Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 02:11


1 Answers

If I understood your question, you are looking for default package name for your domain classes. In your config.groovy file there is a line saying:

grails.project.groupId = appName

if you give it an appName, Grails will use that as the default package name when it generates the artifacts.

grails.project.groupId = 'com.example.yourpackagename'

If you now create a domain class by default it will locate it under com/example/yourpackagename.


It is not required to use Grails commands like create-domain-class or other commands to create artifacts. These are all just classes that you can manually create. Just create a file and duplicate it in the same package.


Grails interactive mode (when you type grails) for some of the commands by pressing tab it will type ahead the unique portion of the package name.

UPDATE for Grails 3.0

The setting has moved into conf/application.yml:

   profile: web
      defaultPackage: com.example.yourpackagename
like image 200
Alidad Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
