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Gradle sourceSet depends on another sourceSet

This Question is similar to Make one source set dependent on another

Besides the main SourceSet I also have a testenv SourceSet. The code in the testenv SourceSet references the main code, therefor I need to add the main SourceSet to the testenvCompile configuration.

sourceSets {

dependencies {
  testenvCompile sourceSets.main

This does not work, because you cannot directly add sourceSets as dependencies. The recommended way to do this is:

sourceSets {

dependencies {
  testenvCompile sourceSets.main.output

But this does not work correctly with eclipse, because when I clean the gradle build folder, eclipse can't compile anymore, since it depends on the gradle build. Also if I change main code I'd have to rebuild the project in gradle for the changes to take effect in eclipse.

How do I declare the dependencies correctly?



sourceSets {

dependencies {
  testenvCompile files(sourceSets.testenv.java.srcDirs, sourceSets.testenv.resources.srcDirs)

works for the main source, but because I now reference the .java files I am missing generated classes from the Annotation-Processor :(

like image 659
Adrodoc Avatar asked Aug 20 '15 15:08


1 Answers

So after all this is the way to go:

sourceSets {

dependencies {
  testenvCompile sourceSets.main.output

To make it work correctly with eclipse you have to manually exclude all sourceSet outputs from the eclipse classpath. This is ugly, but it works for me:

Project proj = project

eclipse {
  classpath {
    file {
      whenMerged { cp ->
        project.logger.lifecycle "[eclipse] Excluding sourceSet outputs from eclipse dependencies for project '${project.path}'"
        cp.entries.grep { it.kind == 'lib' }.each { entry ->
          rootProject.allprojects { Project project ->
            String buildDirPath = project.buildDir.path.replace('\\', '/') + '/'
            String entryPath = entry.path

            if (entryPath.startsWith(buildDirPath)) {
              cp.entries.remove entry

              if (project != proj) {
                boolean projectContainsProjectDep = false
                for (Configuration cfg : proj.configurations) {
                  boolean cfgContainsProjectDependency = cfg.allDependencies.withType(ProjectDependency).collect { it.dependencyProject }.contains(project)
                  if(cfgContainsProjectDependency) {
                    projectContainsProjectDep = true
                if (!projectContainsProjectDep) {
                  throw new GradleException("The project '${proj.path}' has a dependency to the outputs of project '${project.path}', but not to the project itself. This is not allowed because it will cause compilation in eclipse to behave differently than in gradle.")
like image 89
Adrodoc Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 10:11
