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Gradle : How to generate coverage report for Integration test using jacoco


I am new to gradle. I am using the below code. But it generates coverage for unit test cases. But it didn't generate for integration test cases. I have my test classes in the package src/test/java.

test {     dependsOn jettyRunWar     ignoreFailures true     finalizedBy jettyStop }  apply plugin: 'jacoco'  jacocoTestReport {     group = "Reporting"     description = "Generate Jacoco coverage reports after running tests."     additionalSourceDirs = files(sourceSets.main.allJava.srcDirs) } 
like image 512
Veera Avatar asked Sep 26 '13 10:09


People also ask

How do I get JaCoCo code coverage report gradle?

Run gradle build jacocoTestReport to generate JaCoCo code coverage report. and then just run gradle build . JaCoCo report will be generated at each build task execution. It works in similar fashion as the previous option, but generates report after every execution of test task.

How do I get my JaCoCo code coverage report?

Step 4: To get you code coverage report navigate to the target > site > jacoco > index.

Where is JaCoCo report generated gradle?

By default, a HTML report is generated at $buildDir/reports/jacoco/test .

1 Answers

EDIT4: Gradle 7.4 RC1 release notes indicates gradle has now the possibility to generate a single report file for both JUnit and JaCoCo. This will avoid the brittle configuration explained below.

All you have to do is apply the relevant plugins

  • test-report-aggregation
  • jacoco-report-aggregation

The current downside at this moment (7.4 RC1) is that only the HTML reports are supported. And that these aggregation tasks work in concert with the JVM test suite plugin (yet automatically added by the java plugin).

So keep an eye on this feature in the next release.

Using Gradle 5.4.1 (and now 5.5.1), I was able to get a report after any test task, currently I have both test and integrationTest tasks.

EDIT3: Fixed a potential bug when executing only some test tasks

  • Don't configure executionData in doLast / doFirst blocks, it was an error from my part. For more information checks this gradle github ticket
  • Added the more prudent alternative (again not in a doLast / doFirst block) executionData { tasks.withType(Test).findAll { it.jacoco.destinationFile.exists() }*.jacoco.destinationFile }

EDIT2: The solution is the same, I just tweaked

  • the reports destination to use jacoco.reportsDir,
  • the executionData now takes tasks.withType(Test) instead of just [test, integrationTest]
  • setting executionData is done in the doFirst block instead of doLast

EDIT: After looking at the documentation of JacocoReport, there's a variant JacocoReport:executionData that take Gradle tasks directly. It works because the JaCoCo plugin adds a JacocoTaskExtension extension to all tasks of type Test. Which is then less error prone.

jacocoTestReport {     // The JaCoCo plugin adds a JacocoTaskExtension extension to all tasks of type Test.     // Use task state to include or not task execution data     // https://docs.gradle.org/current/javadoc/org/gradle/api/tasks/TaskState.html     // This declaration will be used as a closure, notice there no wrapping parenthesis     executionData tasks.withType(Test).findAll { it.state.executed }          // If the above instruction really don't work, there maybe some things that intervene in the process, in this case, you may be a bit more lucky with this instruction     // executionData { tasks.withType(Test).findAll { it.jacoco.destinationFile.exists() }*.jacoco.destinationFile }      reports {         xml.enabled true         xml.destination(file("${jacoco.reportsDir}/all-tests/jacocoAllTestReport.xml"))         html.enabled true         html.destination(file("${jacoco.reportsDir}/all-tests/html"))     } } 

And the same trick can be applied to sonarqube task :

sonarqube {     group = "verification"     properties {         // https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/MMF-1651         property "sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths", jacocoTestReport.reports.xml.destination         properties["sonar.junit.reportPaths"] += integrationTest.reports.junitXml.destination         properties["sonar.tests"] += sourceSets.integrationTest.allSource.srcDirs         // ... other properties     } } 

Older but very working answer. Also using the knowledge above (that Tests task are extended by JacocoTaskExtension) it's possible to replace the manual file configuration of executionData by test.jacoco.destinationFile and integrationTest.jacoco.destinationFile.

// Without it, the only data is the binary data,  // but I need the XML and HTML report after any test task tasks.withType(Test) {     finalizedBy jacocoTestReport }  // Configure the report to look for executionData generated during the test and integrationTest task jacocoTestReport {     executionData(file("${project.buildDir}/jacoco/test.exec"),                   file("${project.buildDir}/jacoco/integrationTest.exec"))     reports {         // for sonarqube         xml.enabled true         xml.destination(file("${project.buildDir}/reports/jacoco/all-tests/jacocoAllTestReport.xml"))         // for devs         html.enabled true         html.destination file("${project.buildDir}/reports/jacoco/all-tests/html")     } }   sonarqube {     group = "verification"     properties {         // https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/MMF-1651         property "sonar.coverage.jacoco.xmlReportPaths", ${project.buildDir}/test-results/integrationTest"         properties["sonar.junit.reportPaths"] += "${project.buildDir}/test-results/integrationTest"         properties["sonar.tests"] += sourceSets.integrationTest.allSource.srcDirs         // ... other properties     } }  project.tasks["sonarqube"].dependsOn "jacocoTestReport" 
like image 71
Brice Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
