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Gradle dependencies difference between compile, apk project, compile project,provided,implementation project

Gradle dependencies difference between.

 apk project 
 compile project
 provided project

My questions are

What's the difference between compile ,apk project, compile project,provided project here?

like image 594
Ahmad Aghazadeh Avatar asked Mar 11 '16 18:03

Ahmad Aghazadeh

People also ask

What is difference between compile group and implementation in Gradle?

compile (Deprecated) Compile time dependencies. Superseded by implementation . The compile dependency configuration has been removed in the recently released Gradle 7.0, and is deprecated in earlier versions. Fortunately, the implementation dependency configuration provides the same functionality as compile.

What is difference between API and implementation in Gradle?

In the first scenario, LibraryD is compiled by using api . If any change is implemented inside LibraryD, gradle needs to recompile LibraryD, LibraryB and all other modules which import LibraryB as any other module might use implementation of LibraryD.

What is compile dependency in Gradle?

Compile − The dependencies required to compile the production source of the project. Runtime − The dependencies required by the production classes at runtime. By default, it also includes the compile time dependencies. Test Compile − The dependencies required to compile the test source of the project.

What is the difference between compile and testCompile Gradle?

This configuration contains the dependencies added to the compile configuration. The testCompile configuration contains the dependencies which are required to compile the tests of our project. This configuration contains the compiled classes of our project and the dependencies added to the compile configuration.

1 Answers

There's two separate things to discuss here: Dependency Configurations and Dependency Sources.

Dependency Configurations

Configurations help define the transitivity of a dependency, which in turn removes the pain of having to discover and specify the libraries your own project/library requires, including them automatically. This notion of configurations in gradle is very similar to that of Maven's scopes:

  1. compile: Compile dependencies are available in all classpaths of a project. Furthermore, those dependencies are propagated to dependent projects. A compile-time dependency is generally required at runtime.
  2. apk: Defines a runtime dependency. A dependency with this scope will not be required at compile time, but it will be for execution. This means that you can save time while compiling and still have the dependency available when your project actually runs. This is a good example of when to use an apk dependency.
  3. provided: It means that this dependency is available on the runtime environment. As a consequence, this scope is only available on the compilation and test classpath, and is not transitive. It is not supported on Android projects, though you can workaround it by defining your own configuration as discussed here.

There are more configurations that you can encounter on Android, such as testCompile, which allows you to specify a compile-time dependency that will only be used for testing, say you want to use junit in your tests, then you would do as follows:

testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'

Dependency Source

Once you understand the configurations available for you, you need to specify an actual dependency. Dependencies might be internal or external, you may rely on another library you are working on, as well as on publicly available libraries. Here's where the project keyword comes in, allowing you to specify a dependency to an internal module or library. By defining a dependency as compile project, you are adding that module or library as a transitive dependency to your project.

Assume you have a project messages with three modules (producer, consumer and shared), the project structure would look as follows:


Now assume that both consumer and producer store messages in json format and that you want to use google-gson for that purpose. Assume that both projects have some common source code that they depend on, your shared module. consumer's build.gradle could then define the following dependencies:

dependencies {
   // Internal dependency to project shared
   compile project (':shared')

   // External dependency to publicly available library, 
   // through public repositories such as jcenter() or mavencentral()
   compile 'com.google.code.gson:gson:1.7.2'

To sum up, it is the combination of both configurations and sources that enables you to declare dependencies as compile, compile project, apk project and more!

like image 166
unbekant Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10
