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Gradle build failed to resolve aar library dependency (trnql sdk)

When I attempt to build my project using gradle, I get the following error:

Failed to resolve: com.trnql:lib-release 1.0.0

It seems it cannot find the android archive file (aar) that is in the libs folder. The dependencies section of the build.gradle file looks like this:

enter image description here

And the project structure looks like this:

enter image description here

The aar file is valid, it is just not resolved by the build system. What can I do to fix this problem?

like image 676
Cognitio Avatar asked Jan 18 '16 22:01


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1 Answers

put your aar file in libs dir, then modify part of your build.gradle file like below, the difference is that you missed *.aar when compile fileTree

repositories {
    flatDir {
        dirs 'libs'

compile fileTree(dir:'libs', include:['*.jar', '*.aar'])
like image 79
huangxin Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
