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Gracefully stopping in Powershell

How do I catch and handle Ctrl+C in a PowerShell script? I understand that I can do this from a cmdlet in v2 by including an override for the Powershell.Stop() method, but I can't find an analog for use in scripts.

I'm currently performing cleanup via an end block, but I need to perform additional work when the script is canceled (as opposed to run to completion).

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Justin R. Avatar asked Nov 10 '09 19:11

Justin R.

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To stop a process by its ID, use taskkill /F /PID <PID> , such as taskkill /F /ID 312 7 if 3127 is the PID of the process that you want to kill. To stop a process by its name, use taskkill /IM <process-name> /F , for example taskkill /ID mspaint.exe /F .

1 Answers

The documentation for try-catch-finally says:

A Finally block runs even if you use CTRL+C to stop the script. A Finally block also runs if an Exit keyword stops the script from within a Catch block.

See the following example. Run it and cancel it by pressing ctrl-c.

try {     while($true)     {         "Working.."         Start-Sleep -Seconds 1     } } finally {     write-host "Ended work." } 
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staale.skaland Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
