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“GooglePlus/GooglePlus.h file not found” when trying to build my project




I get the error

GooglePlus/GooglePlus.h file not found

when I try to build the project. I just added the Google Plus framework into the project, and after that, I tried to import the framework in the app delegate.m file, but I’m just getting this error.

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Karthick Sundaram Avatar asked Apr 08 '14 08:04

Karthick Sundaram

2 Answers

I think you have to remove current framework and bundle for Google plus and then download the latest one framework for Google plus from https://developers.google.com/+/mobile/ios/sdk/google-plus-ios-sdk-1.5.1.zip & add them from project's Build_Settings>Build_Phases.

This way i have solved my problem, may be u too can get it.

Thanks K.D

like image 62
K.D Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09


Drag and Drop the google-plus-ios-sdk-1.7.1 folder into Framework search path in Build Settings.

Its works fine for me.

like image 38
Usman khan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Usman khan