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GoogleMaps : Design Custom Price Marker

I'm developing a mobile application using ionic and have a requirement to show places in google maps with price marker like this :

enter image description here

I wrote a very basic code to integrate google map with markers.


controller('MapController', function($scope, uiGmapGoogleMapApi, $log, $timeout, $state) {

    $scope.map = { center: { latitude: 12.9250, longitude: 77.5938 }, zoom: 8, window: { show: false } };
    $scope.options = { scrollwheel: false };

    $scope.markerEvents = {
        events: {
            dragend: function(marker, eventName, args) {
                var lat = marker.getPosition().lat();
                var lon = marker.getPosition().lng();

                $scope.marker.options = {
                    draggable: true,
                    labelContent: "lat: " + $scope.marker.coords.latitude + ' ' + 'lon: ' + $scope.marker.coords.longitude,
                    labelAnchor: "100 0",
                    labelClass: "marker-labels"

    $scope.markers = [{

        id: 0,
        coords: {
            latitude: 12.8421,
            longitude: 77.6631
        options: { draggable: false, icon: '',  labelClass: 'marker_labels', labelAnchor: '12 60', labelContent: '$400' }

    }, {
        id: 1,
        coords: {
            latitude: 12.1481,
            longitude: 77.5631
          options: { draggable: false, icon: '',  labelClass: 'marker_labels', labelAnchor: '12 60', labelContent: '$600' }

    }, {
        id: 2,
        coords: {
            latitude: 12.3411,
            longitude: 77.4631
          options: { draggable: false, icon: '',  labelClass: 'marker_labels', labelAnchor: '12 60', labelContent: '$550' }

    }, {
        id: 3,
        coords: {
            latitude: 12.5420,
            longitude: 77.3631
          options: { draggable: false, icon: '',  labelClass: 'marker_labels', labelAnchor: '12 60', labelContent: '$900' }


<ion-view view-title="Maps">
    <ion-content class="padding">
        <div class="list">
            <ui-gmap-google-map center='map.center' zoom='map.zoom' draggable="true" options="options">
                <ui-gmap-marker ng-repeat="marker in markers" coords="marker.coords" options="marker.options" events="markerEvents.events" idkey="marker.id" click="onMarkerClick">

Currently, I'm getting default marker icon which I want to hide and instead just show the price.

I've been searching long for clear information about the right way of implementing custom marker, but the result I get did not satisfied me.

So what should I do to implement this?

like image 996
Ricky Avatar asked Apr 23 '16 11:04


1 Answers

By extending the google.maps.OverlayView class you can create and customise any marker using css/html. You can create your own directive for your custom marker that extends this class, for example this tutorial might help you.

Another option is to use different library for angularjs google maps, for example ng-map , which already contain support for custom markers.

like image 163
Matej P. Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 04:10

Matej P.