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Google UrlShortener 403 Rate Limit Exceeded

suddenly as of 6pm yesterday I started getting a 403 from Google

"error": {
    "errors": [
            "domain": "usageLimits",
            "reason": "rateLimitExceeded",
            "message": "Rate Limit Exceeded"
    "code": 403,
    "message": "Rate Limit Exceeded"


100% of our requests are getting this error. I checked my rates and we are nowhere near the limit. This code has been in place for a year. Any ideas?

  • Max for 100s over the last 24 hours is 40
  • Total Requests for 24 hours is less than 2000

These are typical rates for us

like image 272
Franklin Avatar asked Apr 17 '18 16:04


People also ask

How do I fix rate limit exceeded?

If you receive an error message like “API rate limit exceeded” or “You are being rate limited”, that is the website telling you it's time to slow down. On Cryptowatch, this issue is indicated by error #803 . Typically, slowing down is all you need to do to solve the issue.

Why did Google discontinue URL shortener?

The decision to shut down goo.gl and move to FDL is a result of changes in the ways that people share information online. In its effort to keep up with these changes, Google is moving to “smart URLs” that redirects users in a variety of ways that were not possible back in 2009. RIP Goo.gl URL shortener…

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The Google URL Shortener was shut down three years ago (RIP), and since then, the internet—me included—has been trying to find the next best option for how to shorten a link.

What does it mean when the rate limit is exceeded?

Rate limit exceeded error means that you have exceeded the number of API (Application user interface) calls each user is allowed for a particular set of time.

1 Answers

It seems to be a problem related to Google directly.

We have experienced the same problem during today, and we changed the implementation to FireBase (https://firebase.google.com/). It's not hard to do it.

Note: Google recommends use Firebase because the soon outage of Google URL Shortener.

like image 135
juanchavezlive Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 12:11
