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"google translate" vs "translate api"

I hear that the Translate API will be charged for, but what exactly prevents us form using the free Google Translate service here for free ? Otherwise put, what are the limitations of the free service?

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kellogs Avatar asked Nov 10 '11 20:11


2 Answers

According to the link below, nothing prevents you.


Set your requests content-type to application/json and it fixes the weird formatting, I found the uri pattern after bashing around the google websites for a while.

I wouldn't recommend translating the bible with it but I've done ~10k words this week without an issue.

If anyone finds another working client value I'd love to know.

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8eecf0d2 Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 21:10


There is nothing stopping you from using the Google Translate site, other than accessibility. The public API gives you a much tighter integration than, say, trying to embed Google Translate into your site via a frame.

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ean5533 Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 22:10
