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Google Sheets, Conditional Formatting by Percentage Categories

I'm looking to create some conditional formatting based upon a set of three percentage categories (please see the following sheet), where a color is applied to multiple cells, but not all in a row:

  1. 90% - 100%: Green
  2. 50% - 89%: Yellow
  3. 0% - 49%: Red

I'm able to get the percentages to change color based upon their content, but so far I've not been able to apply this change to the other cells. Is there a conditional formatting custom formula that I can use to do this?

like image 331
TooManyJulians Avatar asked Mar 21 '16 16:03


3 Answers

For range F3:H26 make 2 rulus with 'your formula':

  1. =$F3>=0.9 -- green
  2. =$F3>=0.5 -- yellow

and paint the range in red.

That's it!

Look at example

like image 50
Max Makhrov Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 18:11

Max Makhrov

  • Select all the cells that you want the rule to apply to
  • Go to: Format > conditional formatting then in the tool bar on the right, click add new rule
  • By format cell if section select "is between" and enter the criteria. Hit done
  • Now click add new rule below the first one and repeat as above

this should work

like image 3
aFast Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 20:11


When putting in conditional formatting with cell that has a percentage value in it you need to give ranges in the range of 0 to 1. In other word to set a format for range between 10% and 40% you would select "Is Between" and for values put in 0.1 and 0.4. This will apply formatting correctly. For percentages over 100% use 1.xx over 200% 2.xx etc...

like image 2
Duxa Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 20:11
