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Google Play Game Services Real-time Multiplayer stopped working

There was a global issue with Google Play games services. Since March 28, about half of users do not work online multiplayer. I get a lot of emails from users. The problem is really global. With her faced many developers. This may be due to the Google services update on users ' devices. This may be a regional problem. I am in Minsk (Belarus), however through vpn Germany at me earned. I apologize for my English.

onRoomCreated(int statusCode, Room room) method throws an error: statusCode 4

Other references describing the problem:


Google Play Service Real-Time Multiplayer is broken


like image 285
denri11 Avatar asked Apr 02 '18 12:04


People also ask

How real time multiplayer games work?

In a real-time match, the players are connected to each other simultaneously in a single game session where they exchange data messages. This form of match is suitable for implementing any type of game that requires live participation.

Will Google Play Games shut down?

After June 30th, Google+ Games will be officially retired as Google will move forward with one united front, the Google Play Game Services platform.

1 Answers

What I have found about this problem:

I have created simple android game with google play games service. When I test my game multiplayer works fine, I can create quick game or invite friends.

But the last few days I can not initialize multiplayer. I always get this error:

Error: onRoomCreated, status 4

Status 4: A network error occurred while attempting to retrieve fresh data, and no data was available locally.

Ok, I switch off the Real-time multiplayer in developer console and now error became:

Error: onRoomCreated, status 6003

Status 6003: This game does not support multiplayer.

This means that all my game Client ID and tester account are setting correct and error happens with network connection.

I created new game in game service developer console and connected another android app with different app id, but get the same status 4 error.

I try to remove Play Game and Play Market apps cash data and reinstall all it updates. Error is the same.

I try to unlock in-game achievements and it UNLOCKED correct and show them in game description in Google Play Game app.

I downloaded several apps from play store, and get Play Games service error while creating online game. I read app reviews and some people write about this error.

I create VPN connection and try to init multiplayer and all works fine! Game room is created without any error!

What I have found:

If I try to init multiplayer without VPN tunnel there is SSL error in logcat

I/libjingle: BeginSSL: talk.google.com
W/libjingle: Warning(openssladapter.cc:388): ContinueSSL -- error 0
W/libjingle: Warning(openssladapter.cc:397): OpenSSLAdapter::Error(ContinueSSL, -1)
I/libjingle: SSL Cleanup
Error: onRoomCreated, status 4

With VPN tunnel SSL connection start normally, provide connection information and multiplayer game works.

I am from Russia.

Testing devices:

Nexus 5, Android 6.0.1, Google Play Games (5.5.81), Play Market (9.3.14-all)

Nexus 5X, Android 8.1.0, Google Play Games (5.5.81), Play Market (9.4.18-all)

Device factory reset also did not help.

In my build.gradle:

compile "com.google.android.gms:play-services-games:12.0.1"

and 11.8.0 version is not working too.

This problem happens not only with mobile network internet, with wired internet (through wifi connection) it does not work too.

I create VPN tunnel using Turbo VPN android app, and multiplayer works, but not with all countries, for example if I create VPN through US and Netherlands multiplayer works, through UK and Germany not.

And the most important thing is that it's been 7 days, but Google has not done anything!

Link to google issue tracker: Google Play Multyplayer Not Work!! (issue 77501859)

like image 78
bitvale Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 13:11
