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Google Place Picker API Query for App-scoped Places?

I have recently been looking at the following link to add to my application. It is the Google Place Picker API. I also know how to add places to the list of places that the Place Picker API uses to query for so that my custom places can appear in Place Picker API. However, I want it so that the Place Picker API only queries for just the places that have been created only by my application, and not for any other places that the Google Places API provides. I have found that this example query, under the scope key, helps me find if the Place created was created via my app or by Google. I want it so that the Place Picker API queries only for the Places created by my app. Is there any way to do this? That would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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user1871869 Avatar asked Aug 12 '15 07:08


1 Answers

It's not possible, sorry. Neither the iOS or Android Place Pickers have an option to do this.

In fact both the Android Place class and the iOS GMSPlace class lack the scope property, which only exists on the Places API web service today.

You'd have to build this yourself, e.g. by displaying a map and adding markers to it for your places, etc, rather than using the Place Picker widget from the Google Places API for iOS (or Android).

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spiv Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10
