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google mock : how can I " EXPECT " that no method will be called on a mock

I want to test the in case of some fail no method will be called on a mock object , using google mock. so the code be something like:

auto mocObj = new MockObj; EXPECT_NO_METHOD_CALL(mocObj); //this is what I'm locking for  auto mainObj = new MainObj(mocObj , ......and other mocks); // here I simulate a fail using the other mock objects, and I want to be sure the no methods are called on the mockObj 
like image 359
angela d Avatar asked Dec 27 '11 19:12

angela d

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Does Gtest include gMock?

gMock is bundled with googletest.

What is gMock?

gMock is a library (sometimes we also call it a “framework” to make it sound cool) for creating mock classes and using them. It does to C++ what jMock/EasyMock does to Java (well, more or less).

1 Answers

There are no needs to explicitly tell that no methods will be called. If you set the logging level high enough, you should get a message if a method is called (if no expectation is set).

Other then that, you can set expectations like this :

EXPECT_CALL( mockObj, Foo(_) ).Times(0); 

on all methods.

like image 144
BЈовић Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09
