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Google maps v3 info window opening outside map viewport

If a marker is clicked near the top of the map viewport, the infowindow loads outside the viewable area and the map must be dragged to see infowindow content.

Ideally I don't want the map to auto pan. Is there a way to load the infowindow in a different direction, e.g. if the marker is at the top of the viewport to display the infowindow in a downward direction.

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user1294249 Avatar asked Mar 26 '12 23:03


2 Answers

No, you can't open google's default infowindows in a different direction since you don't implement your own infowindow class. But you can disable auto-pannnig simply passing TRUE to disableAutoPan property of InfoWindowOptions object like documentation said.

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edigu Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 01:10


There is an example that used to be part of the Google Maps JavaScript API v3 Code Samples, that has moved over to GitHub, named: SmartInfoWindow. It does exactly what you are describing. Check into the underlying code and that should get you going in the right direction.

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Sean Mickey Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 02:10

Sean Mickey