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Google Maps not centering because div is display:none on page load

I had this similar issue and solved it by changing the css style of the div through jquery, and changing the place where I put the iframe of google map.

The problem

The jquery code:

<script type="text/javascript">    
        $("#map_link").click(function(event) {  

The HTML: I had the link and the google map iframe loaded inline into a div with a display:none css style. Because a display:none style makes the div width:0 and height:0, the address requested in google map doesn't display properly.

<a id="map_link" href="#">See map.</a>
<div id="map" style="display:none">google_map_iframe_here</div>

The solution

The jquery code

<script type="text/javascript"> 
$(function() {
    $("#map_link").click(function(event) {  

The HTML: The div where I used to put the map now is empty, because I load the map only when clicking on the link, and at that moment I change the css style from display:none to display:block, so the map shows well.

<a id="map_link" href="#">See map.</a>
<div id="map" style="display:none"></div>

Hope this helps! Have a good coding day!

I'm no pro, but I removed the onload="initialize()" from the body tag and changed it to onclick="initialize()" in the button that unhides the div. This seems to work now.

I'm not using an iframe (I'm using version 3 of the Google Maps API), but just had the same "not aligned properly" issue due to a 'hidden' div. My fix, instead of using display: none, which removed it from the DOM entirely, I used visibility, and height like so:

.myMapDiv {
    visibility: hidden;
    height: 0px;

I believe what's happening is that because 'visibility: hidden' actually keeps the element in the DOM still, the map is able to render as intended. I've tested it out in FF/Chrome/IE 7-9 and seems to be working so far without issue.

After hours of searching on the Internet and getting no results I decided to try what I put in as my final side note on my question and it worked!

I simply made a second file called map.html and inside the code was literally:

<iframe> </iframe>   

with obviously the Google Maps source and then in my main page I had the src for the iframe linked to pages/map.html instead of the Google Map link.

instead of hiding the div with display:none, use something like position: absolute; top: -9999px; left: -9999px

then, when you want to show the content for that div, set those properties to position: static; top: auto; left: auto or something like that

You can simply refresh the iframe like this:

var myIframe = jQuery('#myIframe');