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Google Maps: How can I change the z-index of a Marker?

There are about 100 markers on a google map plus there is one special marker that needs to be visible. Currently, the markers around it hide it totally or partially when the map is zoomed out. I need that marker to be fully visible and I think keeping it on top of all other markers should do the trick. But I cannot find a way to modify its stacking order (z-index).

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Salman A Avatar asked Mar 06 '10 09:03

Salman A

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You remove markers by using set_map(null) on the particular marker you want to clear, if you want to clear all then loop through using this function.

What is Z in Google Maps?

Use the geo: intent to display a map at a specified location and zoom level. latitude and longitude set the center point of the map. z optionally sets the initial zoom level of the map.

2 Answers

This is for Google Maps API 2.

For Google Maps API 3 use the setZIndex(zIndex:number) of the marker.

See: http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/reference.html#Marker

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jhanifen Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10


Use the zIndexProcess option in GMarkerOptions when you create the marker that you want on top. For example:

var pt = new GLatLng(42.2659, -83.74861);
var marker = new GMarker(pt, {zIndexProcess: function() { return 9999; }});

I believe the default is to have a z-index that is the latitude of the point of the marker, so this should be fairly safe at bringing a single marker to the front. Further, this was just a simple example; you can set the z-index of all your markers in whatever simple or complex way you want. Another example is to have two functions: one for special markers and one for the rest.

var pt1 = new GLatLng(42.2659, -83.74861);
var pt2 = new GLatLng(42.3000, -83.74000);
var marker1 = new GMarker(pt1, {zIndexProcess: specialMarker});
var marker2 = new GMarker(pt2, {zIndexProcess: normalMarker});

function specialMarker() {
  return 9999;

function normalMarker() {
  return Math.floor(Math.random()*1000);
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Mark Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10
